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yeah i remember the rush sales a couple of years ago

before new years they had stems in em

after some shops were displayin them as vases but mysteriously they werent allowed to show the stem and cone pieces as a complete package

a couple of flowers and ya got a whole new use!!!

us stoners are a creative lot

lets hope we create another new use


haha haha

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Sorry, but in WA it was glass/ice pipes that were banned, not other smoking implements. Thank christ they seperate the categories over here....... so, buy a vape before the ban is placed :thumbsup: and there's always the internet to order bongs through. As my post stated, I DON'T agree with MJ bongs and implements being banned at all. Just glass crack pipes. As i said, good thing the WA government at least saw the 2 as being totally different :peace:
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I have to agree with ya first post Chev, pretty well what i thought of it the first time i seen em side by side in a tobacconist. I was pretty disappointed with the owner and walked out.


A funny thing about the news tonight, first the Beattie thing and the bongs... Then a few stories later we got some jerk saying the government it winning the war on drugs, and had figures showing less teens are trying MJ nowadays. What i found stupid with these findings, they were just aiming at cannabis. If they were fair dinkem, they would've done a study on total drug use amounst teenagers. I don't know the fact's myself, but i wouldn't mind betting the amount of teenagers taking up ice is a hell of a lot more than those turning to cannabis.


Bloody wanker State Government. Get ya shit together before ya screw it up for all of us. Instead of spending money on raids and harsher laws, put it towards our hospitals and staff. Make a smart move for "The Smart State" for a change. :thumbsup:



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it imo is worse than herion but thats a whole nother thread
That is a proven fact that we could def fill another thread with!! :peace:
I have to agree with ya first post Chev, pretty well what i thought of it the first time i seen em side by side in a tobacconist. I was pretty disappointed with the owner and walked out.
Same here mate, smokemarts and deli's everywhere were selling them in WA.......got pretty bad, i guess banning those is a start, but they really need to work more on stopping the making of the drug and the importing of it into oz :thumbsup:
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There are less teenagers trying pot BECAUSE they think of it as WATER compaired to other drugs.......I have a son 16 and daughter 18 ((inside information))



Why do pot when theres all these other 'wonderful' drugs out there.. Pfft when will the pollies learn that banning a pipe isnt goin to stop the prob.. It will prob just help them sleep better at night...



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I don't think It will happen .. you'll still be able to buy Bongs and Pipes for a while yet I reckon ..

And certainly they'll always be available to order over the WWW. anyway ..


As for little Pipes verses larger ones .. I don't see much difference .. as Ice or whatever can be easily smoked thru a larger pipe ..

And some people Do use one of those small "crackpipes" for smoking Hash or DMT and most likely other things ...


Anyway .. If your worried you could always go Buy a couple of good Pyrex Bongs for the future .. I don't see why they wouldn't last a lifetime unless your prone to dropping things :D


Cheerz :peace:


Budman lol

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