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Sativa Vs Indica in Cooking/Eating Effects

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Hi all, havnt been around for very long so once again a hello to all of you i havnt spoken to before...


Ill keep the intro short and the Questions a little longer..


I just had a tooth extracted and a few complications so i cant smoke for a while coz i know in my little commen sence that is the best thing NOT to do for a few weeks..


Here is my questions.. now i have read a little on the effects of eating cannabis.. the change of THC-9 to 10 that its alot stronger etc etc.. but i just wanted to know... Do they same rule of thumb apply with the indica and sativa varietys.. as in- if u cook up a sat/most sat strain do u get high.. and visa versa with an indica (but stoned) how does it alter.. or does cooking it in general change the outcome of both strains.. any light shed would be great since i know nothing at all on cooking.. and would like to outline the differances with the Sat/Ind Smoking guidelines..!




Im going to be using Buds not leafs so i am told to be very carful as it is mega potent.. i am correct yes?> :thumbsup:

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hi mate



i make budder/butter with the worst of the trim, roughly 100g per 100g of butter.




this makes a fevy strong butter you could use 200g of butter, I find it alittle hard to eat once stoned start gagging if its in a cake.


so i try to make it strong so all you need is on cookie of a minitire slice of cake.





was think of doing some today but its hot and cant be bothered.





fill saucepan 2/3 with water add butter,


chop trim but not too fine


add to pot and simmer for 4 to 8 hours.



strain green material


tip liquid into shallow dish and blace in the fridge over night.

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I don't fully understand the science behind it but its a different chemical reaction when you eat it as opposed to smoking it. Generally when you eat it its a heavier stone that lasts a lot longer, and is not really the same as the high you would get from smoking the same gear.


have read of this thread for some tips on canna cooking:



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hmm but what im interested to find out is that.. if u smoke say a indica domint strain.. the effects on average would be a stoned effect and if the other way around it would be a high..


i want to know if these same traits migrate across to ingested forms of cannabis consumption.. as in if u EAT a sativa do you still get high opposed to EATin an indica?


the strain guide has a differant effect on the smoked form... how do those effect the ingested form..


or is it..


When THC-Delta 10 (the eatn form of active ingred) is in the system is has the same effect (similar) regardless of genetic background??

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I have made canne butter 3 times and made chev's shortbread cookies,


And what i found eating it is way diffrent to smoking, with smoking you hit ya high and then if fades away but when u eat u hit ya high and then stay there all day and even feal it a lil the next morning.


I have spoke to my mother about this as she works with ppl that are dieing from one thing of another and most of them eat cannabis to releave the pain and discomfort and from what they tell her is that it dosent really matter what strain it is once cooked up it all seems to feal the same weather it is a indy or a sat dome, but some of the ppl say that the indy dom starins are a lil better for pain, but in the end once cooked up they feal pretty much the same...

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