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Liberals take hard line on 'soft' drugs

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Mathew Murphy

November 20, 2006


MINIMUM sentences for drug traffickers and a specialist unit to treat "ice" addicts are the cornerstones of the Liberals' policy to crack down on drugs.


A 200-bed drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre for prisoners would also be set up.


Opposition Leader Ted Baillieu said a Liberal government would take a tough line on drugs and seek to change the culture surrounding "recreational drugs", which he described as the scourge of our society.


"The message to the community is: we are not going to tolerate it any more. Drugs are dangerous, dabbling in drugs is dangerous, and young people need to get the message," he said. "We are not going to cope if we continue to simply put around the message that it's OK to dabble or it's OK to use recreational drugs — there is no such thing."


Bongs and large cigarette papers used for rolling joints would be banned, and $4 million would be spent teaching students about the dangers of cannabis, ecstasy and amphetamines.


Mr Baillieu said a Liberal government would consult with the Sentencing Advisory Council to establish a minimum sentence for drug trafficking.


A $4.8 million detox unit with 20 beds, including a six-bed psychiatric emergency clinic, would be set up to treat amphetamine addicts, especially those addicted to "ice", or crystal methamphetamine.


"There are too many drug-affected patients mixed in with others and we need an intensive unit," Mr Baillieu said.


He said the Liberals could also commit $10 million to a 200-bed drug and alcohol rehabilitation correctional facility to ensure prisoners convicted of serious drug crimes did not mix with minor drug offenders.


Premier Steve Bracks said the Government had already imposed tough laws to crack down on drugs and he had no plans to introduce mandatory minimum sentences for drug peddlers because such a policy would not work.

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