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The solution? Taxis and public transport! Well, for those of us living in major cities anyway...

I live in Vic where this stuff has been going on for a while now, and my driving friends are ultra paranoid about this stuff. That having been said, the drug buses operate in fairly predictable stretches of road at specific hours (excluding the times when there is a concert or whatever happening) so it is fairly easy to avoid, although you can of course never be 100% sure.

However, you shouldn't smoke and drive anyway, it's uncool.

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If you only smoke ganja then you really dont have much to worry about with these drug test it can only detect THC for about 2 hours after you smoked it.

If you look at it that way where still getting a better deal than the piss heads :peace:

Yeah but these tests have been known to detect THC traces for up to 24 hours.

The cops say '2-6 hours' but I'm still a bit paranoid about that.

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I beleive It's around 4hrs they can pick it up in saliva tests ..

But anyway .. :thumbsup:

People have to be stronger in enforcing their rights ...

If I were a car driver and I got pulled over for one of these tests , the Pigz would have hell on their hands .. JUST SAY NO!!! .. we all have rights .. especially when It comes to personal privacy ..

I don't need to suggest all the things that could be stated in these circumstances .. people know what their human rights are . .and Pigz forcing you to submit personal medical samples is Not legal .. how could it be??? ............ FUCK Them! ..

Demand their superiors for questioning , demand your lawyers and your right not to be questioned without counsel ...


The reason things are so hard for the average person is that people keep submitting to the powers that be ... be stronger and demand your rights ..

They will change their attitudes real quick when people start to question their authority in a proper manner ...

There is no way in hell any Pig would ever test me without MY consent .. I would rather die than bow to these tyrants ...

I only hope others can adopt the same attitude towards the oppressors ... It might not seem easy , but It is .. and the only way we can ever see positive change is if people Stand Up For Their Rights! lol


Budman :D

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I beleive It's around 4hrs they can pick it up in saliva tests ..

But anyway .. :thumbsup:

People have to be stronger in enforcing their rights ...

If I were a car driver and I got pulled over for one of these tests , the Pigz would have hell on their hands .. JUST SAY NO!!! .. we all have rights .. especially when It comes to personal privacy ..

I don't need to suggest all the things that could be stated in these circumstances .. people know what their human rights are . .and Pigz forcing you to submit personal medical samples is Not legal .. how could it be??? ............ FUCK Them! ..

Demand their superiors for questioning , demand your lawyers and your right not to be questioned without counsel ...


The reason things are so hard for the average person is that people keep submitting to the powers that be ... be stronger and demand your rights ..

They will change their attitudes real quick when people start to question their authority in a proper manner ...

There is no way in hell any Pig would ever test me without MY consent .. I would rather die than bow to these tyrants ...

I only hope others can adopt the same attitude towards the oppressors ... It might not seem easy , but It is .. and the only way we can ever see positive change is if people Stand Up For Their Rights! :D


Budman :)

Hey Budman,,,,,,,,,,,But what would you say if it was a FEMALE cop and she bent over and SAID BLOW IN THIS lol :peace: :D

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Well , Thx for your thoughtful reply Logger_King ,


I respect peoples right to be submissive slaves to the corporate societal machine ... But gender doesn't really phase me ..

I just wish that these people could think for themselves and try to pursue freedom instead of feeding the rich leaders and helping the demise of the advanced monkey type beings we call Human beings ;)


Refuse .. Resist !!! ... be righteous .. You Do Not have to give samples of yourself to the police .. they are not trained medical proffessionals .. so you just be sure to make it as hard for them as is "Humanly" possible ..

You have rights , enforce them .. just like "They" enforce their regime apon us .. lol


But unfortunatly , No matter how much Macho Bullshit Bigtalk people might muster ... they submit like little school kids under the Headmasters cane ..


If your gonna argue the argument , you should probly be prepared to strive for what you beleive in ..

Who are "They"? .. who would persecute you? ... Are you prepared for the extra hassle of standing up for your own Human rights? .. No? .. O.k. then fair enough :thumbsup:


The ignorant power mongers that control will never respect people who hide their lives away due to fear of persecution .. Don't give them that benefit :D


Budman :peace:

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