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Huge drug bust

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now this is silly guys if u can grow plants legally

or at least no real charge why grow so many

this is just GREED PURE AND SIMPLE...............

if u want to get rich win tatts or get a job

we want to change the attitude of the powers that be so all can smoke openly

grow what u need and a little bit for poor ppl sell it at reasonable prices prove the fucken dudley do rights of the world wrong its not evil it is the only thing capable of saving the world .


kick out orginized crime and give pot a good name !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we the ppl have the power to change the world if only we get smart just look at the muslims very busy people check out some of the websites interesting they are still mad fuckers tho .so get active start writing letters and such to all and sundry they do and it works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for blowing my trumpet


my missus has ms so i want to be able to give her the only medicine that works safely and legally whit out all the shit that goes along whit trying to score in a hurry that blows big time stop trying to make big bucks.we may all be better off

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