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I agree with Luke ..

I myself would not be fooled into buying so called "feminized" seeds .. It's not proven at all ..

As for breeding a strain that has a tendancy to produce mostly female seed .. then i suppose that is a reasonable enough theory .. :scratchin:

I think 2 males outta 10 plants is a reasonable ratio .. and ofc decent male plants are of use to some .. I have found it to be more like 1 outta 10 myself tho ..


But as for strains modified by 'Breeders' ... who knows how unstable they could be compared to strains that have been grown consistently outdoors for decades , if not centuries :whistle:


Well .. I've forgotten what this topic was actually about ... I guess I'll try again later :peace:


Budman :doh:

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Thanks ... I think lol

Yeh , I'm not too bad thx for askin ..

I've had a few(11) beers and a couple(12) cones , a joint and a semi-severe knock to the head so far tonight .. . lol

I hope to indulge in at least one more of each before bedtime lol

Nothing too out of the ordinary tho ..

Cheerz ;)


Budman :doh:


P.s. :whistle: I doubt anyone would ever use this emoticon , But seriously .. I may like a derogatory picket sign here and there , But I'm no water theif .. lol


Now .. if I could just remember what the topic was ... :scratchin:


P.s. Pt2 - There is no Mr Happy ..

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Leave my thread alone.....................I think MEMBER number 19 should respect MEMBER number 6 :yahoo:

Member number 19 has actually been here a lot longer than member number 6, we have had a few site upgrades along the way including one or two where we needed to completely re-register, a quick check of the joining dates will show you what I mean.

//////////////////////////////////////I have bred female seeds for 20years and never had a male yet(but you learn something every day)))
I've been growing and breeding for 28 years and I agree about learning something every day, that's why you should do some research on the subject.


Tom you quoted me as "pippy" in a previous post so don't try and take the high ground ya hypocrite.
Don't tell me that a simple abbreviation of your name upsets you, it isn't as if it's your real name after all? Is it? :whistle:



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since you want to play dumb yes I consider anyone calling me "pippy" as trying to insult me as I have pointed out to you in the past, which is also the reason you keep doing it. :whistle:
No, when I insult you I usually use words like "anally retentive" and "fool", I call you "pippy" when I'm being nice, it seems to suit the way I picture you.


Why do research if its working my way
I thought you like to learn about things.



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