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Locusts 'could reach Perth'

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November 06, 2006 06:51pm


FARMERS say locust swarms could hit Perth within weeks with the weekend rain providing favourable breeding conditions for the pests.


Western Australia Farmers Federation chief executive officer Doug Parker said locusts were starting to hatch in the WA wheatbelt – and the hatching area covered from just below Geraldton, 425km north of Perth through to Ravensthorpe, 532km south of Perth.


Mr Parker said if the locusts caught the prevailing winds, they could be blown anywhere, including Perth.


"They can actually move fairly quickly in the prevailing winds," Mr Parker said.


Suburban lawns and gardens, sporting grounds and vineyards would all be prime targets for the hungry locusts if they reached WA's capital city, he said.


However, Mr Parker said it was more likely the pests would make their presence felt in the winegrowing regions of Frankland and Margaret River.


Mr Parker's prediction comes after the region received falls of between 10mm and 20mm of rain last weekend.


The Department of Agriculture weekly locusts update said the weekend rainfall could provide favourable conditions for locusts.


"More green feed is available in those areas which will increase the survival rate of the locusts outside the area of control operations," the department said.


Mr Parker called on the state Government to put more money into the spraying program as the hatchings were "widespread" than originally predicted.


The department has provided $11 million to battle the locusts.


Agriculture Minister Kim Chance rejected providing extra funding saying the major swarms were being controlled.


"Those areas around Moora were the ones most likely to affect Perth and the Swan Valley, those swarms are now breaking up and dispersing," Mr Chance said on ABC radio.


"So, while we will probably see a few locusts in Perth you are not going to see the major damaging swarms."


Damm you would cry lossing your babies to these things time to get indoors or start netting!!

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I've seen quite a few around Corrigin last week not as many today at Miling and Moora but they are slowly making their way towards Perth. I dont think you guys in the city have to worry much unless you live near large open fields, theres none in my town yet and I'm about 100km from Perth. If they do come spray your plants pink or red with marking paint, the locusts are attracted to green only.
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