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Charges over cannabis cookies

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what actually happened was the cops were walking down the street and about to interview the owner of a store about a prior break in , they saw a street deal take place between a local street dealer and a tourist , the tourist ran into another shop and into a back room , the cops followed and found the cookies etc

a case of bad luck and bad timing

yes wildflower hippies ( hippies being the term you use to stereotype anyone who lives in or near Nimbin )are people and are allowed the same access to government departments as the rest of us pot smokers and non pot smokers

i know the lady involved , shes a nice person and i hope she doesn't get hammered by the pricks

as for the cops being cool listen to this story my friend told me

my friend who was once the licensee of the nimbin hotel was closin shop one night and noticed the local hoods smashing thier way into the hemp embassy , she rang the local cops who are roughly 100 metres from the hemp embassy and told em what was happening - they basically hung up on her !

then she had to come online to my chat room , find me and i gave her the number of a local who knew the hemp embassy owner and she rang them and they piled into a couple of cars and heaed into town to stop the break in !

cops done fuck all to help the stoners on this night

the kids who broke in were caught and asked to leave town the next day by the locals :toke:


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