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Brunnings COCO bricks

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Raw coco ideally needs to be buffered with a calcium/magnesium solution. I can't remember all of the reasons behind it, something to do with the uptake of potassium etc, all that stuff bores me, but your plants may develop deficiencies with unbuffered coco. That usually happens at the end of the crop though. After having said that, I have used raw coco plenty of times without buffering it. I have found feeding quite low ec's to be the trick with coco.
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the last brick i bought i wasnt atall happy with,



bought from a grow shop wrappend in panda film with green print, after a couple of flushes i tested ec 2.8ec wtf managed to get it down to 1.5ec then gave up flushing as it was taking all day.


i only needed about 500g to top up a few pots compared to canna the brick wasnt quallity at all rough chopped with massive chunks, run off was tea coloured and then a week after planting i started to get some sort of grass seed in my mother plant pots.


for an indoor grow where your adding your own nute you want the ec of coco to be near 0.? any more will mess with plants nute needs eg will have to run lower than norm ec or risk burn.

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yep tomatos handle alot more nute my dog has chosen the tomatos as a good toilet :peace: , they tip burn for one day then get a growth spurt and go back to being green then it happens all over again :toke:



Weed on the other hand if the dog pisses on a plant its normally fully burnt and takes weeks to recover loosing many leaves or kills it like last years outdoor plant.








just choose your coco carefully, canna and bcuzz are good flushed to low ec, at my local grow shop they sell coco with neem apparently flushed to 0.5ec but doesnt run clear run off maby just the neem but ideally the run off should be the same colour as going into pot.



I can go wrong with coco indoors or out, weed, berries tomatos, chilli /capsicum even cacti all love it if you are constantly feeding and alowing the coco to dry out alittle between feeds.

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