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Brunnings COCO bricks

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im not a fan of the bricks either.



i only use them in my veg garden to increase the water holding capacity during summer, problem is there sooo salty first rinse was 3.9ec after about 4 flushes i got it down to 2.8 then gave up and just chucked it in the ground, along with the salts i got about a table spoon of sand per brick and a few grass seeds..


These bricks where not cheep like the rich gro but came from a hydro shop wrapped in panda film. forgets the name


Also too chunky so a sive and a heap of flushing is needed, watering till run off is clear isnt enough with some bricks just keep checking the ec of run off till under 1.5ec or below 1.0 if you want to be sure its flushed very well.

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I have to agree Gazza, your just as likely to find shri lankan body parts in those bricks but the plants dont seem to mind. I think i got a whole Shri Lankan in this sucker
lmao wouldnt supprise me lol the best coco i have used so far is the bagged and fluffed 50L ready to use compair that to coco bricks its like chalk and cheese for roughly the same price as the bricks maybe cheaper now? i pay around $18 a 50L bag these bricks only make 6L tops each and cost $2.25
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amazing how the instructions omitt the flushing part..the most important.

the only honest ones where dm hotcoco bricks. they would tell you to flush until clear.

cocopeat seem to tell you to flush as well.

i know what you meant thc, i flushed just one brick of richgro. took ages..25ppm in 25ppm out...so much for conserving and saving water lol ...you use it all up flushing the damn things.

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Ohh great I didnt flush mine and have already potted all my potplants with Brunnings big brick!!


Great she is gunna kill me when they all die maybe i better get out there and hose them a bit extra ...:smoke:


I did plant 2 tomatoo plants straight into the stuff to see how they go as a test so will try and get some images with them in straight Brunnings unflushed(May as well make there deaths worth something!!)


Ahh frig it, teach her for making me look after the ornamental plants....


Give me a cupboard anyday!!!

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yeh they arent totally honest with their instructions are they?

although we arent talking about the larger bricks..they could well be a better quality product (as some say)

its the smaller compressed brick..

anyhow as an update..i got some clones in not so good shape...and having planted them in the brunnings stuff and 2 weeks later they are the same height and stage of growth, now believe me i flushed this shit to hell. but these clones had tips..so im just going to leave em for a while..i did check on the roots and they all are rooting throughout the medium..so if in another 2 weeks they are the same they are going into the bin and it might be true that brunnings stunts growth. but i need to make sure these clones are truely into the vegin stage.

But heres a tip to peeps, clones with budding tips arent clones worthy of much.


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