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Brunnings COCO bricks

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ive used dm-hotcoco, neem-coir, canna

these brunnings bricks are cheap as..looks like dm-hotcoco comes from sri-lanka aswell.

Ive expanded and flushed some and it looks fine.

has anyone else used it?

ive heard its shit, stunts growth etc etc..rubbish? is this true?


some seeds popped and im about to stick em in some of this..



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ive used dm-hotcoco, neem-coir, canna

these brunnings bricks are cheap as..looks like dm-hotcoco comes from sri-lanka aswell.

Ive expanded and flushed some and it looks fine.

has anyone else used it?

ive heard its shit, stunts growth etc etc..rubbish? is this true?


some seeds popped and im about to stick em in some of this..



flush itagain and again very well as it has salt in it.

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Be wary of it though. I'd sieve it if I were you. I know that bricked stuff can be quite fine in texture.


If you have an e.c. meter, check what kind of reading you get back from the runoff after running distilled/rain/ro water through it. You might be surprised.


That all said, brunnings do make some good stuff, I grow orchids and have used their coco-bark mix and these are some very salt sensitive plants we're talking about. Still, I flushed the living bejesus out of it until it was clean....

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eh..whats going on here?

what do you think was it about the bricks that killed your plants postman???




if it kills your plants it will kill anyother plant including your roses..


did you flush it postman?


Im seriously considering giving coir the flick anyhow..all this massive amount of flushing is a chore and a waste of water

Edited by wildflower
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Manufactured from first grade Sri Lankan COIR - same as dm hotcoco.







Benefits include :

• Manufactured from first grade Sri Lankan COIR

• When added to soils, Easy Wetta Coir-Peat Brick


• Increases water-holding capacity and reduces

watering frequency

• Improves plant growth

• Loosens hard clay

• Lasts in your soil for up to 5 yrs.

• Is a recycled natural source


Ideal Applications:

• All Garden Soils

• Starting Seeds

• Roses

• Flower Beds

• Potted Plants

• Bulbs

• Hanging Baskets

• Vegetable Patches

• Orchids

• Tropical Plants

Application Rate:

Improving potting mixes:

Add 9 litres of Coir-Peat to a 25 litre bag of potting mix

Making you own potting mix:

Mix 9 litres of Coir-Peat, 9 litres of coarse sand (3/4 bucket) and 9 litres of pine bark or soil

Pot plants & hanging baskets:

Add 9 litres of Coir-Peat to a 10-12 litre bag of potting mix.

Flower beds or vegetable patches:

Mix Coir-Peat into topsoil to a depth of 150mm in the ratio 1 part soil to 1 part Coir-Peat.

Expanding your Coir-Peat Brick:

Place the brick into a 14 litre container. For quickest results, add 4.5 litres of warm water. The brick will

expand to 9 litres of fluffy material in 10-15 minutes.

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I have used three different brands of bricks and the only one that has given me any problems is the brunnings bricks. I have soaked, flushed rinsed and squeezed dry until the water was clear and still get crap results from them. As you have mentioned all i am doing is wasting around 40 liters of water. I still use coco, just not that brand.



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well that definately strange, looking at your pics..looks like they had the life sucked outta them. But maybe brunning add some anti-cannabis killer into their bricks? who knows but im taking your advice and not using them.

But it would be interesting to know whats going on with them.

What coco do you recomend?


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