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Man charged over cannabis find

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Hmm, I don't personally steal elec cos i only grow 4. I havn't actually heard of someone being detected growing because they steal electricity. As far as i know, it happens the other way around. Or, they get busted dealing or growing, and the police discover the electricity being stolen. I think there's pro's and cons for both ways. If you're growing a large amount, the elec company is going to like you cos they making money off you and certainly won't dob you in. However, if you're being suspected of growing, the cops call the elec company to check youre bill. If it's a very high amount, they have what they need to raid you. To avoid that, you can steal ur electricity, but...if you get caught growing by some other stupid way (like cheating on ur gf and she dobs you in), then you're twice as fucked cos you are stealing as well as growing.


I think what we need is thousands of small time growers, growing perhaps twice as much as they can smoke, rather than having ppl with 500plants ending up in jail. Small timers tend to grow better quality too, as they're not only after weight, but quality. The comercial guys want the biggest yeilding plants, which are often not the best smoke. Then they kill it even further with rock juice and super bud type products, which make it small and hard, with less surface area for trichromes, but more weight.


my 2cents

Edited by BentBuddha
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tapping is silly and not something any personal grower should be doing not only from a legal perspective but more so from a safety perspective.


the risk is not just your personal health, but also fire risk. its not uncommon for people for a house to be overloaded and the wiring catch fire!


but its a catch 22 situtation BB.


there are MANY big growers out there with 30k watts + in a house. that have beeing growing and tapping for years. if they were weren't tapping, they would have a bill of 5000k plus a quarter. im sure that would raise suspicion so obviously thats why the big end of town would have no choise but to tap. but when a grower is producing that much dope there going to do time anyway so the tapping is just the icing on the cake.


but if it wasnt for commercial growers producing most of the mull on the market, then you would be paying $4800 a lb like it was in the early 90's. its the commercial growing which has brought the price down so much so it has a benefit for the personal user too

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Hmm, I don't personally steal elec cos i only grow 4. I havn't actually heard of someone being detected growing because they steal electricity. As far as i know, it happens the other way around. Or, they get busted dealing or growing, and the police discover the electricity being stolen.


I think you will find they can detect that power that is being unaccounted for. It is pretty simple really measure how many kilowatts go out and compare this figure with what you are being paid for. It might be a bit more difficult to work out the exact house it is coming from but if they are losing enough I bet they would work it out. I thought that was part of the reason they rolled out the digital electricity meters that are used in various parts of Oz (to more accurately account for power)

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there are new digital meters which enable the elec coy to read the meter without having to physically come out. there back to base in other words. they are installed at a new apartment building a friend lives at.


see if the elec coy doesnt have to pay wages to have staff reading meters, HUGE cost saving.


but it would be a looong while before they rolled them out across most suburbs, due to the high cost of replacing current meters, and i can just imagine some tech heads working out some way to fuck with the digital meters alot easier than the analogue ones.

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since when was digital more acurate


I didn't mean to imply that the meters themselves were more accurate just a lot easier to maintain the records hence making their records more accurate. Digital meters go in all new installations and Energy Australia had begun rolling them out to older buildings a couple of years ago (at least where I was at the time). I am not sure what the various other electricity suppliers are doing with them.

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