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Drug Testing Bus touring NSW

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Thx for the News Frazzle ,


It may be a bit laughable havin just one 'Drug Bus' roaming a whole state (Whilst watching TV no doubt :wacko: ) ...

But I am worried that this is still just the start of the "modern" regime they are slowly and sneakily putting in place ... I mean they are now saying 8 of these things in VIC in less than a year ...

If they were stopping 1000's of people a year with one , what about 8 .. and only 1 in 43 with something in their systems ..

I wonder what low percentage again was just for Cannabis???

It's a big fucken invasion of privacy In my book ... and is becoming scarily like the classic Sci-fi Books about New World Order .. "1984" (Big Brother) being the most well known ..


But I just don't get how they can harass so many and only bust such a tiny percentage ...

Altho I guess by their odds , that is over 300 people from 13000 .. alot of money for them :ack:


Oh well .. Bring on the smart cards eh? :thumbdown: Fuck all that shit ... Fukn PIgz!


Anyhoo ... Fuck them ... I'm still gonna enjoy Cannabis no matter what sort of bullshit they try and throw.. and so will most other Stoners ...

Good luck to all drivers ...

Stay safe :peace:


Budman :toke:

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Hey guys

Hmmmm ok I can understand why they want to bust ppl driving under the influence of any mood or mind altering drug - as a nurse of 20 years, I've seen the results of people driving pissed or stoned or both and it can be tragic and I would not drive bent myself - BUT I am worried that there will be some floating in my system the day after, and i manage to get the hypersensitive test kit that day.... I somehow am suss on the Govt.s big plan.

What in the hell are they putting people in prison for pot for anyway? Bizzare stuff.

Oh hey dont take it out on the cops - at the end of the day they are doing the job that they are directed to do - on a personal level, most cops wouldnt be busting people for pot anyhow.. it just the Govt. says its evil, so the cops have to do what they say. There are arseholes in the cops too, but they are in every job.

Keep on tokin and fight the man on this one!

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hey there all


good read frazz and lmao can believe these stupid fuckers thinking this will even put the slightest dint in the amount of peeps that drive under the influence of drugs :thumbdown:


unfortunalty thought this is an ongoing test and in no time we will have them in ordinary cop cars and everyone will be tested at every stop just like breath tests so hopefully we can figure out a way to fool the test


cheerz :Dj:

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Cheers Frazzle that was spot on (is there anything to speed up that few hours afterwards?)


i'm yet to find a cop that doesn't enjoy harrasing somebody under 25


:thumbdown: Sorry man but I think with the amount of crap they will have to put up with every day and refrain acting on from that age group would make me and you would probly have the same attitude to those ages.


Not saying all that age is deserving but ya gotta admit there is a few


You cant blame the dog for slobbering on a ball that hes been told to fetch.. Its when they run away and chew it up is when ya shoot them :wacko:

Edited by Shithappens
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Fuck that man! I dont care what you say, all cops are pigs that have delibertly signed up to do exactly what the government orders them to do, whether it be good or evil. And as for the comment about being easy on them cause of the shit they go through being a cop..... If they didnt like it they could quit - and im sure they knew what they were getting into fucking training! So fuck that - they deserve everything!


Also, When a cop joins the force, they have to take an oath to the Queen (ive been present at these when i was a waiter) and part of the oath is to know when to flex the arm of the law, and when to relax the arm of the law. Almost in those exact words......These days all cops care about is getting people smoking pot and doing 5kph over the speed limit so we can pay huge fines in to thier trumped up massive retirement funds! Those who say Im extreme remember one thing - When a cop hasent met his quota in traffic tickets for the day and he clocks you doing 81 in an 80 zone, he will pull you over and he will do your car with a fine tooth comb to find anything and everything that can go wrong! (Even most new cars have technical things that some could classify as a 'defect' - such as upgrading to the next wheel size up on your new car!)



(had a mate in trouble recently, hence my renewed hate)

If i was a muslim, I would go for Jihad on the NSW Police!

Edited by Rooster
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i socialised with a group of people in brisbane city and we always had police come and take our details search us etc. we even had police threatening to bash us if we hung around town that day because someone who had nothing to do with us ever that just happened to hand around that part of the city attacked a police officer. police are fuckwits



i will add here i have had many great experiences with quite a few cops


but the majority are on a power trip and need to pull the pipe out of their arses and smoke it

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I dont like this at all. Though the 1-5 hour window is probably about right for an occasional smoker. The times can blow out to 2 days for somebody that smokes a lot.




I generally dont smoke until I get home at night but I do this pretty much every night which means if this becomes a bigger issue than the one bus, and i am sure it will, I am going to need to modify my smoking habits.

Edited by StonedAgain
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