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:freak: Hello guys again...

Thought things would be all good at this stage but I think I'm learning some very valuable lessons from this first grow...

Have a look at these and tell me what yous think? Bare in mind they were taken off mum's way into flowering and only had about a week and a half in veg before I had to turn them to 12/12 (holiday deadlines) A mate said I needed at least 8 weeks budding... Red Devil. They've been on 12/12 for 9 days now.


I have been keeping my ph between 5.5 and 6.5, with an EC of around 1.8 and letting it fall to about 1.3/4. I have been spraying with a little ph balanced water or soda water nearly every 2nd day too. I have been changing my nute solution every week regardless, after flushing system with ph adjusted water.


I had all my lights on and couldn't control the temperature properly in my little shed(centifugal sucking and 2x 6" inline fans as inlets to outside air). I have 2 occilating fans inside for circulation too. I thought I had the room sussed but having noticed how all the variables fluctuate ie.humidity, temp, ph etc, I guess I haven't :applause:


Someone mentioned that my plants would look wierd because I took them off flowering females and that they would have to revert back to veg, you reckon he meant like this...


If everything goes alright from now on, yous recon I could still get a couple of ounces at least to make the power bill all worth while...:whistle:. How much growth can I still expect between now and roughly Dec 10?

The pics of the plants under the flouro are still plants from the original clones i took on the 18 September.

Its been one month now... They look awesome too me?


Thanks for your opinions



Also, just rememberd... 2nd photo from the right- a yellow 'patch' appeared 2 days ago? Any suggestions( im using Canna A+B, 75ml each in approx 50 L of ph 6 water, plus about half the recommended dose of RhiZotonic?









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hi mate you should have let them veg properly before going to 12/12. they are / have been going through a 'spastic' phase as they were taken off of flowering plants. im not sure how they will end up yield wise as they are quite small and fragile, but seeing you have 4 it would be safe to assume a couple of ounces is achievable!
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hey there racing snake


they look fine to me this is what a clone reveged from a flower cycle looks like at first with abit more veg time they would have looked a million bucks and bushy as but hey we cant win them all hey


now onto ya Q about the yeild you will still get a good amount of bud off them obviosly not as much as if you had veged them for longer but will help out with the power bill no worries


i just hope that you got one of these aside as a mum so that when ya get back from hollies you can start the red devil back up again i wanna see a nice big grow of reddies :applause:


cheerz :Dj:

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looks like they could have done with a week or two to reveg properly, theve gone from veg to flower to veg to flower all in a month or so hope there not confused. flowering may take an extra week to kick in so youll need 10 weeks flowering possibly.


Red devil ive grown once before a few years back youll like and id like to have another go, shes fastish 8 yo 9 weeks and does most of the bulking in last weeks from memory not too stinky.



the netting will work a treat specially if they havnt finnished stretching, train branches below net until about 2 weeks into flower then let them go. Best spacing for the net you have is about one bud to every 4 squares in net. netting squares are about 5cm x 5xm so one bud in every 10cm x 10cm area.

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Maybe a stupid 'Q', but... how does one know when they've finished stretching?

I am still spreading the buds and branches out daily when i check on them. I just keep pulling them down and tucking them under the next bit of mesh. They been 12/12 for about 2 weeks now... reckon I leave em to sort their shit out now or carry on pulling em about?



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