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Nightclub drug blitz

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Unfortunitly the only way you can deal with this is say to the cops arrest me if you suspect me of any substance and you wana search me you can but arrest me tell me what my charges(and it certainly can't say that i'm resisiting arrest cause that is simply not the case)and then take me down to the station then when you have nothing on you like the girl did in the article than you can ask for all there details and then go to court you've got them. :peace:
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A follow up piece on the drug blitz was that no (not one) dealer was arrested but a few young people were arrested for possession of a couple of tablets or had a couple of joints on thier person and the coppers found a few tablets on the footpath. Whoopee the crime wave is over and the police have taken back the valley, now we can all feel safe and sleep well knowing the police are on top of this outrageous crime wave.
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you seen the palm island incident? you read the news bro? i know your a cluey dude but what your sayin here is fantasy i'm sorry.


how many times you been arrested?


how many times have innocent peeps been arrested and harrassed. the reality is we have less and less rights than ever before and if your ever in the situation and i hope your not then you'll find out pretty quickly how much water your theory/plan holds.





i know the police stick together and what i have said wouldnt stick worth shit, but it would still turn the cops life upside and give them the shits like they would have just done to you or me :peace:


i have been arrested only the once which is why i know they dont have seatbelts or anything in the back of those wagons...they are nothing than a cage with a tarp over it + you are usually stuck in there handcuffed so when you get thrown around not only is there no seatbelt to stop you from moving, you cant grab on anything either :peace: the police seem to go crazy over people not wearing seatbelts so how they can have a double standard, even for criminals baffles me :peace:


Unfortunitly the only way you can deal with this is say to the cops arrest me if you suspect me of any substance and you wana search me you can but arrest me tell me what my charges(and it certainly can't say that i'm resisiting arrest cause that is simply not the case)and then take me down to the station then when you have nothing on you like the girl did in the article than you can ask for all there details and then go to court you've got them.


that is a fantastic idea, would definately hold more weight than phsycing out like i would :toke: but getting arrested would piss me off so severly i would still throw myself around and claim police brutality just to get some revenge :peace:

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I dont go out much :peace:

but I sometimes visit old home the local pub. We have a few smokers there, Some of them are mad and carry dope on them, and some of us just stash it in a rarly use toilet. Its quite funny sometimes watching the relay of people walking in and out of the toilet.

Unfortunatly , I think you will find that the cops have the power to search you because of the wonderful laws our politians pass for them.

Australia is fastly approching a police state, why? because thats what people want. just ask the pollies, they wouldnt do it if it didnt get votes.

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yeah kick the dog and you'll be charged with assaulting a police officer as well.


there was a case recently where nimbinite Rusty Harris challenged a sniffer dog search and was successful in getting all charges dropped I believe. I think he even has a website do a google and you'll probably find it.


chato has the right idea I think, move to a country where the government has more respect for your civil liberties, like China.... :thumbsup:

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ive said it before and i'll say it again "kick the fucking dog".




yeah great fucking idea! :thumbsup:


you are far better off leaving your stash at home or in the car , than standing in a queue with it like a sitting duck.


Sure it's shitty that the cops have sniffer dogs and are out to bust people, but you know this is happening and continue to do it. I find it hard to sympathise with people who won't take measures to look after themselves

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What I found interesting about the news article was the alarmingly high amount of people who 'overdosed' when the police were doing the line ups. I recon its more dangerous because Id bet that so many people just ate whatever they had on them and were more prepared to spend the night throwing up and feeling like shit then spending it in a cell!


I know I would have done it! Just for the record to, 10 news said that over 7 people were 'oding'.


Real good work guys - You busted a couple of clubbers with a handful of tablets and joints! Not one dealer! They must be so proud! Im so glad my taxes pay thier wages!

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