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Nightclub drug blitz

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Article from: The Sunday Mail (Qld)


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POLICE locked down Fortitude Valley late last night with a string of drug raids on some of Brisbane's most popular nightclubs.

Dozens of people were charged as a drug-sniffing dog was randomly run past the lines of mostly young people waiting to enter the clubs about 11pm.


The operation -- involving almost 100 police and named Black Dog 2 -- targeted cannabis, MDMA (ecstasy) and amphetamines. Men and women suspected of possessing drugs were questioned and then made to stand with their hands against walls and legs apart while they were searched.


In April, a similar raid on four Valley nightclubs saw police arrest 13 people and seize almost 120 ecstasy tablets, as well as quantities of amphetamines and cannabis.


"We've identified that there is a drug problem in the Fortitude Valley area, so this is part of an ongoing strategy we have to combat illicit drugs in nightclubs," he said.


"It's a multi-pronged operation targeting drug offences, public order offences and traffic offences in the Valley entertainment precinct.


"We are utilizing the drug detection dogs and there's been a number of indications regarding drug use, a number of arrests have been made.


"It's a very busy night in the Valley, there's a lot of people out and really what we're all about is providing a safe environment for people to enjoy themselves."


Carseldine student, Andrew Gregg, 19, was searched but later released. "They are doing their job, they are trying to reduce the amount of drugs in the Valley," he said.


Brisbane student Eun Seo, 30, was "embarrassed' after being frisked by police. "I didn't do anything wrong and they made me feel like a criminal," she said.


"I just came to have a good time with my friend and this has ruined my night."


At the time of the April raid, Premier Peter Beattie warned that raid was "only the beginning" of a concerted effort to rid Brisbane's premier night-time entertainment district of drugs.


That raid -- the first of its kind under new laws allowing drug-sniffing dogs to be used in public -- sparked an outcry for "publicly humiliating" innocent people rather than targeting the drug trade's major players.


But Mr Beattie said the Government fully supported the use of drug-sniffing dogs. "If you don't use illegal drugs you haven't got a problem," he said.


"The police get 10 out of 10, from my point of view."



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thats some bullshit :peace: i would calmly tell any pig that wanted to frisk me that doing so would constitute at the very assult, possibly sexual assult depending on where they touch and that i would have no problems in wrecking my dole bludger existance to take them to court and have them lose their job over the matter :peace: Im serious too, i would take down their badge number, ring a lawyer and file charges by 9am the next morning and i wouldnt drop it no matter what :peace:
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Only problem with that is..The minute ya asked for a badge number ya get locked up, have the crap beat outta ya and then if ya survive that the whole matter is swept under the carpet because ya disobeyed a lawful direction.


ps We just had a case where a 65 year old homeless man was asked to move on but when he refused he was assaulted by the four coppers, had the crap kicked outta him and locked up n charged for resisting arrest and failing to obey a move on directive.

Edited by postman
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didn;t they also play the tape in court of the dude askin for their badge numbers and the officer stated it twice and his rank.


nice in theory in a perfect world wdc but your kidding yourself if you don;t think they have the power to do this thing legally, it's sunday news bro. tell em whatever you like and they still going to search you one way or other, whether it's then and there after listening to your bs or back at the station after floggin ya cuz they didn't want to listen.


it's one thing to beat your drum and say i'd do this and that but really it prolly wont go down that way and you'd be better off researching your local laws or ringing your local civil liberties council and speaking with them so you'd know what to really do in that situation.




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while legally the police have the power to search a person on the street, laying even a finger on you is a totally different matter and you can file assult charges against even a police officer for doing so. its called police brutality and it will really fuck up an officer's life if you happen to file a claim and win :peace:


now while the police look out for each other, if you make a scene before getting arrested, you'll have witnesses that can say your were only minding your own business and refused an embarassing search infront of them. then all you need to do is not hold on in the back of the truck they put you in (they dont have seatbelts or anything in them anyway :peace: ) let yourself get thrown around a bit and scream police brutality when they open the door :peace:


so even though the police look out for each other, you'd have witnesses that can testify under oath that you were fine before being put into the custody of the police and that once you arrived at the police station you had been beaten up...like to see a cop beat the wrath of that police brutality case :peace:


i personally dont believe police should have the power to search people at their own will, after all we dont live in nazi germany. and no shit, if a fucking pig wants to strip search me like i have seen them do to many people, i would do everything i have mentioned in this post but beat myself up severly so there was no room for doubt :toke:

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you seen the palm island incident? you read the news bro? i know your a cluey dude but what your sayin here is fantasy i'm sorry.


how many times you been arrested?


how many times have innocent peeps been arrested and harrassed. the reality is we have less and less rights than ever before and if your ever in the situation and i hope your not then you'll find out pretty quickly how much water your theory/plan holds.




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hey there all


this is fucken bull shit IMO if i was standing in line i would have just eaten any goodies i had then again i would still have been fucken searched as i use me licence card to make hash muahahahahaha


but anyhoo i have seen this done a few times around melb and watch out cause its being done heaps more now specially at music festivals but hey i dont see why peeps just dont do what me and me lads used to do and leave ya shit in ya car and park it close i mean everyone needs a break from the club every now and then


cheerz :Dj:

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Cops are scum.


These dogs a not really stoping any drug problem. will just make other undetectable drugs used more like GBH which can be put in a water bottle and no one knows they are just going ot make it worse.


I had a fair number of crackers on me in the cross a few weeks ago dogs came around the corner straight to the pie shop it worked for me.

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