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Anybody know what this is?



It's causing white spots on my leaves as it's assumingly feeding on it. It looks like some type of larvae, but thats all ive found so far. They're very tiny - thinner than a pin and not even 1mm long so i had to get my microscope to see what they were. Their bodies are whitish but quite transparent and look similar to a grain of rice under the microscope. They have black eyes which stand out against their transparent body, and two feelers on their head. Im not sure how many legs theyve got.


Ill take my plants outdoors tomorrow and hose them off with water to reduce their population and then probably use pyrethrum to take care of the rest unless anybody has any other suggestions

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:scratchin: Are they on the underside of the leaf NotDave, eating the chlorophyl not the actual leaf,

I think i know what u mean, If I'm right Pyrethrum should fix them no worries. I have had them get out of control before and had to use rogor 100 which is a systemic spray, but only because I did nothing about them early in the infestation.


ps. love the drawing of them..........:applause:



:whistle: OK, just found this link




Is this what the leaves look like?

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hey there dave


im not sure exactly what ya have there but the Pyrethrum should kill it off i recon dont worry about spraying with water just nuke the fuckers and if that dont work go get some yates confidor i have used it on a few infestations and works bloody well


also keep and eye out for eggs if you think you have any you will have to retreat ya plants again after 3 week as the eggs will hatch and the infestation will start all over again


cheerz :Dj:

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looks like white fly... try a yates bug gun... that should get rid of them... you need to spray underneath.. so just clasp your hand around the base of each branch and run your hand upwwards, exposing the underside of the leaf.. I spray into my palm... do it really well... leave for a few days.. and wash ot off with some sodawater... then repeat 3 dayslater, just incase youve missed any.. and to get any eggs that may have hatched... i like to repeat 3 times... best to get rid of them rather than risk having them come back at the end of the flowering period..
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Are they on the underside of the leaf NotDave

Yep ive only seen them on the leaf undersides so far


ps. love the drawing of them

Thanks. I actually used Photoshop rather than MSPaint this time as you can probably tell


OK, just found this link


Is this what the leaves look like?

Sort of but mine are a bit more advanced, more whitish - the poster in that thread seems to have caught onto the problem in its early stages




hoseing off will only fuck ya plants?

not any more than a downpour of rain would on an outdoor plant :peace:

just a gentle hose though, not blasting like you would say aphids off a hardy rose bush which worked well for me a couple weeks ago :peace:

but im not sure if itll be worth it seeing as the pyrethrum should do the job


the thought of spraying anything on my plants makes me shudder, im just trying to keep reminding myself that the stuff is fully biodegradable. i think ill still give the plants a spray with a water bottle a couple days before harvest though




you will have to retreat ya plants again after 3 week as the eggs will hatch

yeah thats another problem at the moment - because im not sure exactly what they are i dont know how long their eggs take to hatch, but being tiny larvae i'd imagine it'd be within 3 weeks


i'd love to know what they're growing up into, hmm ... there has been quite a few little black flying things similar to fleas around my house lately but they seem more attracted to the kitchen, and i dont recall seeing one in the growroom


speaking of which,

SukonmiSkunk ...

looks like white fly...

by any chance are they black? :peace:

[edit] i just looked at google images for it ... doesnt look like anything ive seen before


Tonight when my lights come on ill take a couple leaves, put in a glass jar with tiny airholes and see if anything grows out of em. Then kill the bastards.

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confused mate you say white initially then you say black to Sukonmi??

nah, the 'white fly' that Sukonmi mentioned is actually white, whereas the only ones ive seen flying around my house are black and look sorta like fleas, maybe they even are fleas


im unsure but its not the dreaded Fungal gnat is it? .... check him out here,


i dont think so ... the larvae looks sorta similar to that (better than my pic anyway), but ...

1) that page says pupae are 3-6mm long and found in the media or soil, whereas the only things ive seen are larvae about 0.5mm long and found underneath the leaves

2) the larvae on that page has black heads and looks more like a worm, whereas the heads of my larvae are the same translucent white as their body, except for the two black eyes. Mine also have legs, and feelers, which the larvae in that pic dont seem to have

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Luke hmmmmmmm, i just searched google images for it and I would've said "probably not", but then on the 3rd page i saw this thing:


Thats basically what it looks like under the microscope, about 0.5mm-1mm long (notice how accurate my Photoshop one was?)

I grow in hydroton clay pabbles and i havent looked at those themselves yet, just the leaves but ill check the pebbles tonight also when the lights come on at 9pm AEST


This larvae looks different though - much longer, much more segmented, and has a black head:


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