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Potheads send Alzheimer's up in smoke

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IT seems illogical, but the same compound that addles the brains of marijuana users may help treat the symptoms and slow the onset of Alzheimer's disease, the leading cause of dementia among elderly people.


In laboratory experiments, the compound, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), preserved levels of a brain chemical that declines in Alzheimer's, permitting the build-up of brain-gumming "amyloid plaques".


The plaques are the hallmark of Alzheimer's and its dementia-inducing damage.


"Our results provide a mechanism whereby the THC molecule can directly impact Alzheimer's disease pathology," researchers reported in the US journal Molecular Pharmaceutics.


The team - led by organic chemist Kim Janda of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California - claimed that THC holds real promise as a "drug lead", a model for developing new and more effective treatments for Alzheimer's.


Existing drugs such as donepezil, sold as Aricept in Australia, inhibited an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase which broke down acetylcholine, the brain chemical that prevents formation of amyloid plaques.


But THC not only acted against the enzyme, it also targeted plaque formation.


According to pathologist and Alzheimer's expert Colin Masters, the findings were novel and unsuspected.


"It might be possible to reformulate or rebuild the THC molecule so it has the anti-Alzheimer's effects without causing disturbances of cognition - getting high or stoned," said Professor Masters, from the University of Melbourne and the Mental Health Research Institute.


That's so because THC acts on one group of brain molecules when it triggers a buzz and another when it fights brain-clogging plaques.


Author: Leigh Dayton, Science writer

Date: 06/10/06

Source: The Australian

Copyright: © The Australian

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This is really old news hey, just some recent study exploring the nature of this - it was demonstrated years ago. Also protects the brain's neurons - is it myelin sheaths? From degeneration with diseases like Parkinsons and motor neurone disease (or something), also cascading head trauma from severe head injuries and strokes, also muscular tremors from things like MS, severe pain and muscle spasm like Alyson suffers from, not to mention nausea and pain and all the usuals.


There are some amazing applications, a whole range of diseases that cannabis is demonstrating enormous potential to manage and treat.

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"It might be possible to reformulate or rebuild the THC molecule so it has the anti-Alzheimer's effects without causing disturbances of cognition - getting high or stoned," said Professor Masters, from the University of Melbourne and the Mental Health Research Institute.


What the hell do these blokes know? They want to redesign the gear, so it STOPS getting people high?


For all thier wanted high education, they miss the point that getting stoned for years in advance is the actual key to it all.

Stoners spend most of our lives wondering what we just said, who we said it to, and just who is this person we're talking to anyway? Hang on, what was I saying? O yeah..


It's like we're in training for the bloody disease :scratchin:. Nothing to do with chemical components..




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Still ... all research in this field is important Imo ...

Tho ofc it is a shame that they still condemn the plant for It's other 'medical' benifits .. i.e. "getting high or stoned" ... sheesh , such ignorance really ...

But then , what else would you expect from these types of organizations ...


Lets hope that it does indeed help .. because I'm gettin a fair dose each day :whistle:

Seeya then .. when I can't remember anything ... :scratchin:



Budman :peace:

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people like getting high right? makes ya feel good. In the vast majority of cases this has to have positive medicinal value. And since mj is relatively non addictive and there is no chance of a harmful overdose I don't understand why the researchers want to remove the "high" out of the drug. Is it the job of Doctors to make patients feel as shitty as possible? retards... :scratchin:
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"For all thier wanted high education, they miss the point that getting stoned for years in advance is the actual key to it all.

Stoners spend most of our lives wondering what we just said, who we said it to, and just who is this person we're talking to anyway? Hang on, what was I saying? O yeah.."



haha youre a funny cunt rob :scratchin:

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