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Cannabis laws overhaul in S.A.

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October 05, 2006 04:17pm

Article from: The Advertiser


FINES for people caught smoking, selling or cultivating cannabis will increase, in some cases triple, from December.

Attorney-General Michael Atkinson yesterday announced the increase in cannabis related fines.


Mr Atkinson says the review of legislation will deliver the first increase in fines in more than 20 years.


The fine for the ground cultivation of one cannabis plant will jump from $150 to $300 on December 3.


The current $50 fine for possessing less than 25g of cannabis or less than 5g of cannabis resin, smoking or consuming cannabis or cannabis resin or possessing cannabis using equipment, will triple to $150.


The $150 fine for possessing 25g to 100g of cannabis or 5 to 20g of cannabis resin will double to $300.


"The Controlled Substances Act was introduced in 1984 and fines have remained unchanged since 1985,'' Mr Atkinson said.


"This means the current fees do not reflect their original intent to prohibit the illegal use of cannabis.


"What we are announcing today will see some fines double and others treble when the new fees come into effect on December 3, 2006.''



Date: October 05, 2006 04:17pm


Copyright: 2006 News Limited


Will this increase in penalties result in a rise in price of cannabis, followed by the unwanted interest from organised crime?

Or is this nothing more than revenue raising exercise?

Prohibition is futile :thumbsup:

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Damn , Thats Bad News :thumbsup:


But I must say ... I had No idea how cheap the fines were down there ... Really , $50 Shit thats nuthin ...

It's been $150 here for years ...


"The current $50 fine for possessing less than 25g of cannabis or less than 5g of cannabis resin, smoking or consuming cannabis or cannabis resin or possessing cannabis using equipment, will triple to $150."


Just like that ^ :)


Anyway .. Other states have been pushing for SA to tighten their laws on Cannabis for a while now I spose ... 'Twas inevitable ...


Fucken morons are causing so many more problems than they are fixing ...


There is no justice system .. It's a joke .. It's all about the Money ...

And The Law can just shut the fuck up ... I do Not recognise their authority ...

I'm not hurting anyone ... and neither is my garden ...

And This particular Plant is a sacred one .. revered for 1000's of years ...

And It is a Human right to be able to use our Earths Plants for our Peoples Benefit ...

Anyone who thinks differently has no credibility whatsoever , and is duely disregarded by anyone who believes in Freedom.


People are harmed or Die Every single Night and Day From stupid shit ... Motor Vehicle accidents , Fights and Knives and Guns etc.

Aswell as theft , abuse , rape , discrimination ... what about Corporate crime ...

All this crap goin on everyday , yet they can somehow justify harrassing and fineing people with small amounts of a natural harmless plant matter.


It's totally ridiculous and irresponsible on the part of the Police and the Powers-that-be to be pursuing these futile actions ...


But as I've stated , It's all about the money , and the control that that money buys ...

I think they realize that It's not the way to go ... Prohibition has never worked before ... seems they just don't care ...


Anyway , That's my rant for now ...


Good luck to you all in avoiding those nasty persecuters :peace:


Budman ;)

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when will these dumb cunts wake up and see the good side of this?

Prohibition is good business. Until the open supply of hemp/cannabis is equally good don't expect a change.

In Holland there are pot millionaires and a thriving industry (= taxation & jobs). Change will come when the people on this, and other, Australian forums actively promote the good side and create industry here. This is kinda' tricky given prohibition...

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my letter to the South Australian Labour party....


I’ve been a South Australian citizen my entire life...I have also been a labour voter my entire life... I’ve traveled pretty much all over this great country of ours... and I honestly wouldn’t want to live in any other state... or country for that matter... I didn’t start using Marijuana until I was about 22... I am now 35, for various reasons... with a bad back… and now with a steel plate in my arm.. I find the little bit of marijuana in a hot cup of tea helps me sleep... with out it I am a very restless sleeper... not that I use it every day... just every now and then... maybe twice a week...

I have just learned of the new laws that will be passing about increasing fines for the use of Marijuana... and this concerns me greatly... because although I use Marijuana... instead of the various ADDICTIVE painkillers and sleeping tablets... which after a while using them makes matters worse... with a lot of research.. I’ve decided to go down a more natural form of medication... which I must say works better than ANYTHING else I’ve used... I don’t consider my self a criminal… as I don’t get involved in the seedy underground that usually involves drug use... I got too much going on for that sort of shit in my life... it concerns me because all the polls show on the news and various other mediums, that about %40 of South Australians smoke or use Marijuana at least once a year.. and a further %85 of South Australians have stated that they wouldn’t care if Marijuana was legalized... or even just decriminalized... now I would think a %40 Marijuana usage would open peoples eyes to the amount of people who use this herb and the amount of people who are VICTOMIZED every day for the use of Marijuana... it seems to me that when nearly half the population use this herb, isn’t a minority.. its a majority... when will our voices be heard.. and when will this VICTOMIZATION of an extremely useful... and quite relatively harmless herb stop... from my research I cannot find any reason... other than political... for this herb to be illegal... literally millions of people use this herb on a daily basis around the world... and to this day NOT a single person has ever died from the use of Marijuana... which is illegal… and in some cases people are doing jail time for the use of this herb... where as tobacco remains quite legal.. when literally thousands die every year from various problems caused by tobacco...in this country alone, this in all logical sense make absolutely NO sense... this has baffled me for years...??

now lets get passed the medical values of this plant... and tread down an INDUSTRIAL line ... there are more things that can be made from this amazing plant... paper, building materials, clothes... and the latest thing in the news today... BIOFUEL... I think it’s absolutely incredible that NOT a single person has even suggested growing Marijuana/HEMP for FUEL?? We talk about wheat, corn and canola for fuel production... how ever tests show that Marijuana actually yields about 75% MORE cellulose than any of these... and not to mention the fibre and the seeds which can also be used for textiles... and food... my research has shown that hemp seed flour contains about %40 omega3, higher that any other seed product... higher than even fish...

OH not to mention with vast crops of Marijuana would almost definitely be better for the OZONE layer... marijuana converts co2- oxygen in amounts up to 5 times greater than any other plant on the planet... I think its Ironic how the very same plant that has been wrongly victimized for nearly 100 years could actually be the answer for reversing the green house effect.. I think its time OUR great state of South Australia should be leading the way in this country in alternative methods for energy and fuel...

the last 100 years of the oil era has completely FUCKED our planet to the point of major concern... now we are going down a nuclear path... which some experts say will dwarf the effects the oil industry has had on the environment... and create 100 fold the damage in the long run as the oil industry has...

this is of MASSIVE concern... isn’t it?? I would think any respectable citizen of our GREAT state would be concerned about this... as its OUR state that mines the uranium being used around the world... now this used Uranium is being used in munitions by at least 17 countries around the world... I think it’s OUR responsibility to make sure OUR uranium isn’t being used to kill and pollute the planet further...

Thank you for your time... and I sincerely hope you research what I have said in this email... and take some serious action to stop the criminalization of South Australian citizens, workers and voters...

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Good work SukonmiSkunk Let's hope you get a reply.. :thumbsup:


As for the change in cannabis laws, those dumb ass's in the South Australian Labour party are just looking for things to change which they think will gain them votes and recognition. I would like to know how they have listened to the general public on this one.

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October 05, 2006 04:17pm

Article from: The Advertiser


FINES for people caught smoking, selling or cultivating cannabis will increase, in some cases triple, from December. Attorney-General Michael Atkinson yesterday announced the increase in cannabis related fines . . . . fine for the ground cultivation of one cannabis plant will jump from $150 to $300 on December 3 . . . . current $50 fine for possessing less than 25g of cannabis or less than 5g of cannabis resin, smoking or consuming cannabis or cannabis resin or possessing cannabis using equipment, will triple to $150 . . . . $150 fine for possessing 25g to 100g of cannabis or 5 to 20g of cannabis resin will double to $300 . . . . Or is this nothing more than revenue raising exercise? Prohibition is futile :peace:


The other States should be following the lead SA set, but, the do-gooders are winning again . . . if only they could experience all of what they speak about, first hand . . . send 'em out to compare legal alcohol, legal tobacco, illegal marijuana, heroin, cocaine etc . . . then they'd be qualified to make some attempt at fixing the 'rules', however, typical government, when one thing doesn't work, don't fix it, just add to it and make it even more difficult to understand/comprehend/follow (even)! :peace:

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