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Doctor lashes out after drugs conviction

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True Pipeman, there are two sides to the story. But all the info is out there nowadays, it's high time our state and fed governments eased up on a bit and make it less complicated to obtain these licenses. I honestly believe we should jump on the industrial hemp bandwagon before it passes us by. The Euros are well ahead of us in this area, and Australia's climate/conditions are ideal in this field. We have the potential to be a world leaders in this concept. But once again our politicians have their head buried in the sand and rather rip our country apart and sell our natural resources. Pretty sad state of affairs when ya add it all up. lol
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Pipeman he got hes licence removed due to "No scientific value"


Be it as it is the first thing that pops into my head is what can we do to help???


It is a war in the media so forget courts they are only the fist of the goverment and do no self thinking.


Politicians answer only to the public driven media and without that he cannot win and the topic will die....


The politicians are funded by the industries and as such easilly bought. Since those industries are seeing a major competitor in the more superior product of hemp fibre and a vast investment to convert there processers within the development and construction phases of there product they will not be overly helpfull.


What are the actions we could take??


Maybe a major class action against the goverment for not working towards the good of the community and the planet (that would need some very cold hard facts BUT would grab the media attention fast)


Or flood the landscape and national parks with low THC strains to make it a commonly known useless for drug purposes plant ? (would be a pain for all outdoor growers with all them males around but hell easy to hide good plants amoungst them)


As a community we could hammer politicians with emails requesting why industrial hemp is not a commonly used product maybe even co-ordinate it calling for help from other forums. (we would need emense numbers and direct internal email addresses for the politicians)


I dont know just some thoughs that rolled in my head. Maybe we could contact him as a community and offer our support for any petitions or politician email campaign in a behind the scenes manor as if it got out that we where a public supporting factor hes work would be set back and it would surely damage them


Yeh ok i Rave on when stoned !!!!!

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"The politicians are funded by the industries and as such easilly bought. Since those industries are seeing a major competitor in the more superior product of hemp fibre and a vast investment to convert there processers within the development and construction phases of there product they will not be overly helpfull."


Well said. When you consider hemp can make biodegradeable plastic, ethanol type fuel with no polution, and fibre that is second to none in strenght with a million uses, imagine the threat it is to so many business's that produce products that serve the same purpose, but enviromentally devistating to the planet. Word of mouth to hemps benifits is the way to go i believe. The less ignorance about it, the more governments will feel the pressure to allow it to be used. Also, if they could come up with a 0.00 THC plant, that would certainly help. As they would then have no excuses not to use it.


I reackon if word got out to the police, that all these male plants would fuk ppls outdoor plants up, they would get on board too. But ssssh lol

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