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G'day Silent Toker ,

It's a Bit hard to say Precisely when Is the Best time , In nature The Males generally Flower Before the Females , So If they are the same strain ,then That is the perfect time ofc.

I think It would be pretty much the same If your Females and Males are flowering In the same room ...

Someone will know for sure ...

I'd just say , I don't think It matters If Its too early in flowering , Because It Just wont Pollinate then ...

But if The flowers are too Mature When pollinated then you can end Up With a Whole lot of Immature seeds thru your Budz , don't want that.


ANyway ... I knew I'd have trouble explaining this .. So I have a Portion of What The "Grow Bible" says about it ... fairly Basic tho ...



How easy is it to make seeds? Well it is easy if you have

healthy plants and a stable-growing environment. When your male

plants burst their pollen in your grow room they will pollinate the

female flowers. At the end of flowering the bud will contain seeds. The

seeds should be grayish in color. If they are white, then they are not

viable and you harvested them too early. Wait until the end of

flowering to get your seeds. Your seeds will be in with the bud. It takes

quite a bit of time to sort them out from the bud. If you want to use the

seeds in more than 2 years time store them in a freezer. Before that

time storing them in a small film canister will work well enough.


Film canisters are a great place to store pollen in. You can

save pollen in a canister for the next harvest. Pollen can be stored in

the freezer for around 18 months. The odds of having pollen keep

though are slim. Pollen is best used up to 6 months. The pollen can be

extracted from the male flower as soon as the flowers are ready to

open. You will see the male flower open out from its pod. It is best to

gather pollen after it falls from the pod onto the leaves. Simply shake

the pollen onto the female flowers to pollinate them.


Simple enough.

Anywayz ... Tell Us a Bit more about the Situation ... Are they flowering together in the same room?

Some Pics would be great if thats Possible too ...


But After all that ... I really Think It will be No Problem for ya ... But If you say you only want a few Branches Pollinated , That gets a little harder ...

The pollen Is extremely fine and has a tendancies to blow around and get everywhere ... but there are ways ...


O.k. Good Luck ... And Let us know how ya go ...



Budman :toke:

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Dunno how this will work but here goes.


I pollinated (carefully) selected sites of each plant at 55 days. Harvested at 60 - 66 days leaving the pollinated sites. Now i have turned of hps and am using a couple of warm white fluro bulbs to continue 12/12.


Sites pollinated contain seeds in them :peace: and are slowly developing. I am at day 70 and I can see green seeds in the tops buds. I will post results in my grow diary.


This is a last minute experiment so can't suggest you do this. I have heard that it takes 3 weeks for seeds to mature.



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as long as the females have started to flower pollinate them now mate. Its important to pollinate indoor strains early to make sure you give the seeds enough time to fully mature.


your male plant will continue to produce pollen for a fair while. If you want to be assured of heaps of seeds just keep the male growing and repollinate every week or so. you will have much more pollen than you can use, probably. Might want to stick some in the freezer to cross with another strain down the track... :peace:

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i have always polinated no later than week 3

it take 4 to 5 weeks for the seeds to mature

i have only done this with a 8 weeek strain

also i have noticed over the years that the darker seeds that fall freely from the bud are more viable than say having to dig out a seed from the bud. just something i noticed

good luck man

im sure someone who know s wat there doing will come along



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Thanks for the info!

I have been growing out M60 seeds over the last 5 months and taking clones of the better females

cant remember if its meant to be a true breeding strain but i noticed definate variations in the first seed batch and would like a more indica pheno so i kept the clones of the shorter,faster growing/flowering females while i sprouted another round of 15 seeds and did the same.

The 2nd round had similar traits and amongst them was a male virtually identical to the clone i was considering as a mother, except with broader leaves and male preflowers at about 4 weeks. I couldnt bring myself to cull it and shifted it outside while i concentrated on finding a mum.

Anyway! i now have two nice females in flower and the male outside with balls everywhere! I may as well make some seed for the future because getting decent seed is major PITA for me.


Was just wondering when to do it and you guys have answered that i thinks :peace:

P.s will pollinate with a paint brush, inside a plastic bag,with all the fans turned off,whilst holding my breath!

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