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Raid nets 600 cannabis plants

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Seems its possible to terrorize, using a plant! :peace:


Hang in there.. haven't had any billys yet...



But would this have been an authentically interesting mainstream story, if it were more like this? -


POLICE found 600 guns on a property raid today. Up to 30 kilo of ammuntion was found nearby.

There was also one cannabis plant out back. :thumbdown:



Plants don't kill people, people.. :scratchin:

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I don't really have much to add , they knew the risks they were takin to try and make money like that ...

I still think It's a Bummer tho ...

And I thought at first when I read "Tainted property" they meant a dirty old Bong or sumthin .. :peace: heheh

Those crazy old fantasy police ...


Did anyone get a Glimpse of what the Budz looked like? They must have been pretty fucken good to have a pricetag like that on em ... sheesh ...


Anyway ... They should just say It's for personal medicinal use and It's the first time they've grown and didn't realize It was illegal and and ...

plead insanity and we didn't realize It would grow that well ... and someone else made me do it ...


No doubt It'll just be a slap on the wrist :toke:


... Stay safe peoples ...



Budman :toke:

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Some may see this grow as supplying the masses, but to me, they are just another greedy corporation making money out of what any numb nut can do for free. The whole point of legalisation is to rid the pot smoking community of highway robbery charges.


Pot is worth $0.50 a pound at most when the illegality of growing is removed. Id love to get rid of both the pigs and the organised cadres who grow it. If you cant figure out how to grow pot (when/if its legalised) then you shouldnt be smokin it (medical conditions excused).


These big grows only keep the price high and the smokers poor. They are as bad as the cops in my book. So fuck em. And before you consider these leeches your friends, how long do you think theyd keep the supply up if it were legalised? About ten seconds. Its in THEIR interests that pot remains illegal forever. I bet these bastards are hoping and praying that pot is never legalised.


All this is probably due to the growers not paying their bribes on time anyway. Maybe the evidence locker was all smoked out and they needed to commandeer more supplies.



'nuff said' :peace:



Edited by ozsmoka
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80+percent of Aussie farms would have an old rabbit rifle lying around BIG FUCKING DEAL,we are turning into a defenceless pussy ass country because of some fuckwits gun-phobia.Heaven help us if the Yankunts turn on us like they did to Iraq but unlike the ASS-whopping the Iraqi resistance is now inflicting on the USA we will be their or whoevers slaves if we get "Iraqed". These brave cannabis warriors supplying the hungry masses with cannabis should be awarded medals of bravery for there cannabis-resistance defiance and fight conducted against the Anti-Cannabis-Nazis,without HEROES like these 2, the hords of CITY cannabis smokers would have to be STRAIGHT lol . Wake up OzStoners ALL growers are our heroes deserving of the HIGHEST ACCOLADES. lol B) B) lol

ps Ozsmoka be a little more realistic in your price assessment ,piles of HEMP is easy and cheap to grow however piles of HIGH Q is just like any other intensively culivated crop = Ferts,Diesel,Tractor wear&tear,water,labour costs, transportation costs,taxes etc,etc WAY MORE than .50c a pound.

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