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Raid nets 600 cannabis plants

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Date: 23sep06

Source: AAP



POLICE have found 600 cannabis plants during a raid of a property in north Queensland.


Two men and a woman were charged after the plants, up to 30kg of dried cannabis, hydroponic equipment, a large sum of money and a firearm were found at the Shute Harbour Road property at 9.30am (AEST) today, police said.


One of the men, 59, and the 56-year-old woman were charged with trafficking, the production and possession of drugs, possessing tainted property and with the unlawful possession of a weapon.


They will appear in the Proserpine Magistrates Court on Monday.


The other man, 43, has been charged with possessing cannabis and is due in court on October 16.

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well i feel sorry that they have been done , but as stoney said guns and drugs not mix and will only leed to a long jail time..


even when i know someone that this happened to last week and i say it again .. your a fool to have the two together and you will get the book thorwn at ya..


i hope there someway these guys can get off..



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I saw it on the news a number of times and they didn't show any 30kg of pot on the TV at all. They did show "tables set up, used to dry the cannabis in a caravan" with a few pound scattered on it. I wonder if they're estimating the gross (wet) weight of the plants?


Either way the fantasy police have been at it again, estimating it's worth at over 2 MILLION DOLLARS!! That's $ 2 000 000.00


For that to be right, each plant (if there were in fact 600 plants) would have to yield just over a pound each DRY, and they'd have to get a min of $3 000.00 per pound across the board; even at those prices it's 200 000 dollars shy. Huh..wonder where you get a price like that?

It was a big grow alright, but gee I wish they'd live on the same planet as everybody else..


I agree about guns and dope being abad mix, and one everyone ought to avoid as much as possible. But consider growing that much dope. You have to know a few serious outlets to punt it onwards. Worse still, mixed in amongst people at that level, there are unfortunatelty, some very seriously socially deficient people. People who might invade the peace of the quiet evening to make some quick dollars. Just another evidence of what prohibition causes.



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