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Sulphur Evaporator

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Sulphur is not fun for consuption. I know this from experience. :xcited:


If there are problems with mould or things like powdery mildew then you should probably try and solve this with better ventilation and cleanliness, rather than resort to sulphur.


It is highly effective at attacking and preventing moulds and even things like spider-mite, but it leaves a horrible residue which lasts for much longer than the crop life.


To be blunt, only large greenhouse vegetable growers would use a sulphur evaporator, and even then only because there were mitigating factors which meant you couldn't prevent the problem through environmental management.


If you're worried a lot about mould, try something called citrofresh or microkill (same product, just diff. names). This is completely harmless to healthy plant tissue and is food grade, but is very effective at fighting many fungal and bacterial problems.

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With cannabis, yes, that would certainly be the preferred method, although you could also use it with the crop, it would likely cause flavour problems. Not to mention the idea of smoking elemental sulphur which had been floating around in the growroom wouldn't be particularly pleasant.


Increase venting if you're having probs with humidity, and increase canopy airflow with oscillating fans. The dehumidifyer should certainly help, but they're pretty steep to buy and aren't the first call for a solution. Mind you, if you live in an area where the natural humidity is very high, it could be necessary.


An air-con also dehumidifies.... :xcited:

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If you dont mind what did it cost man?

Got it for just under $270 and $60 for shipping to Tas. I'm happy considering I had to do a 5 hour return trip to by one in the nearest city and the cheapest I could get that model for was $399.

I already have 2 passive in vents and high capacity fan sucking air through a carbon filter and blowing through an outlet vent (into my lounge room atm, might as well use the heat :xcited: ), but where I live condensation runs down the windows of a night in every house I've been too so I really need the dehumidifier :yahoo: Good thing is there's no problem with heat when the lights are on though temps were dropping quite a bit (down to 5c during lights out), I fixed that by placing the veg tent into the flower room and running a 400w MH in it which vents into the flower room bringing temps up a bit when the lights are off in the room.

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