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United Nations 2006 World Drug Report

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you can bet somebody wants to keep it illegal & black market ..

Coz they making a shite load of money out of it.


lose Prohibition & they lose a huge tax free money laundered income.


of course it has been proven time after time that Prohibition doesn't work ..

Is anybody listening ?...Hmmm , I don't think they want to ....

it didn't work for alchohol ,,, so they lifted Prohibition , now they tax the crap out of it.

ergo .. they still make money out of it ... probably even more now that alchohol is wide spread..


did I mention Cigarettes... they still goin soft on that hard drug aren't they ?

addictive & cancerous ... must have taken a huge kick in the butt & the conscience ( not to mention public outcry ) to start moving the other way with ciggy advertising banned & no smokers indoors..


but did it put a dent in their profits.... I DONT THINK SO ... somebody likes the status quo.

somebody who has a lot to gain from prohibition... Probably the government.


for eg.

the CIA was caught redhanded selling drugs to finance its nasty little projects...

after all ... it's highly profitable to sell something like Heroin to users who are addicted ..

I know folks hwo are addicted to Nicotine .. SAME THING ...



OH yeah ... building Prisons is big business too ... there's lotsa bucks $$$$$ to be made for locking away those growers & addicted heroin users that the government & organise crime ( Same thing ) stripped of their assets & used them for payola.


wanna know who's going to HELL... ? it's these cruel people who make money their goal in life & won't stop at any of these dirty tricks...


WE ALL KNOW ... & some day .. it will all be revealed to the light.


Jesus said .. "love one another as I have loved you" ... this is by far the best thing to do .. THINK ABOUT IT.



peace brothers...

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