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I know fuck-all...


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I wanna get a grow chamber going on...I was thinking about one of the expensive "all in one" pre-mades, but well, they ARE pretty fucking expensive.

So...I figure I'll try and make one myself, as many people up in here seem to think it's a relatively simple endeavour, I'm prepared to give it a try.


First of all, I'd like to do some reading.

Now, assuming I know nothing of hydroponics other than "you grow stuff under a light", what would be some good sites to visit, or books to d/l that would give me a basic idea, in terms of things like drainage, materials, nutrients, lights...and all that shit. I wanna go way oldskool at my starting point, so let's assume I need HEAPS of info, where do I geddit?


Next up..

My building of this thing.

A huge yield isn't the most important thing here, I'm growing mainly to supply myself, and I don't use much.

Of course I do have some friends who I'll be making "friendly" type deals with...but the long and short of it is this:

*I don't wanna be growing any more than 2 plants, at any given time. Even ONE plant if big enough.

*Needs to fit in a relatively small space without fucking up the quality.

*Gotta be discreet (I suppose that's up to MY exterior) fairly smell-proof when closed, and of course, some kinda ventilation would be a good idea.

So, if I wanted to do this...would that be acheivable for a guy who's never done this kinda stuff before?

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Soil grow?

You just mean putting 'em in pots and letting the sun do its work? In that case, I've already got that happening on my balcony...but, keeping them discreet outdoors means I also have to keep them small.

I'm looking at something to make growth better and faster, and throw it indoors though...

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well theres no need to go any where else.. this is what this site is all about... what sort of grow are you after.. if its just for personal.. converting a wardrobe and putting a 400watt or 600 watt hps would be the go..


first of all check this out.. its for a 600watt.. but you can easily convert one to use a 400 watt...

SukonmiSkunks guide to setting up a wardrobe grow


My 400watter in action



heres a thread on germinating seeds...

The germination process


once youve got a nice female.. heres my cloning guide...

My cloning method


its really up to you and what you want from your grow.... this is a simple method... and its a great place to start...


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Sweet, man.

Thanks for the info there.


What I want outta it? I guess weed enough to keep me going (which is fuck-all)

and some to mebbe get a few bucks goin' here and there, but nowhere near dealership kinda capacity.

Other than that, small-ish size.

Although I'm looking at growing special varieties...bubblegum, or some of the mix-breeds look good.

I just want something different.


That's another thing...where do I get these kinda seeds? Is ordering adviseably safe?

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Ok...well, I've seen the grow stones before.

I could try one in a pot full of that stuff, one in soil under an indoor light.

I suppose the cabinet is just a matter of finding something suitable.


However, in the soil...can any kind of nutrients be used? I understand there's something that supposedly makes certain plants put out bigger buds...etc?

One more thing...does the whole "lining the cabinet/whatever with foil" thing actually make a shit of real difference?

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Hi cheeba & welcome to the OS boards.



However, in the soil...can any kind of nutrients be used? I understand there's something that supposedly makes certain plants put out bigger buds...etc?


PK 13/14 is one bud enhancer used by many growers. It's commonly used during the final stages of flowering.


PK is sn additive administered alonside (inconjunction) with you selected


As for nutes there are many cannibis specific nutes on the market. I personally like using the Canna range spcifically designed for Coco mediums. I use "Canna Coco A & B" for veging and "Canna Flores A & B" for the flowering stage.


One more thing...does the whole "lining the cabinet/whatever with foil" thing actually make a shit of real difference?


Tin foil as a reflective conduate is perhaps not the best. White paint is possibly the best.


All the best with you comming grow cheeba :peace:

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personal opinion.... if you want to grow in soil... which is very effective...and use Nutrients...or hydro nutes.. then IMO your beter off just going for a straight hydro setup... a lot of problems with soil grows.. is actually in the soil itself.. bugs, mold and fungus...


the biggest problem ive found with soil, is when your in pots.. the plants depleat the available nutrients very quickly.. to get the most out of your grow.. you need to have a soil mix for vegetive growth.. then when you goto flower you need to repot into a flowering mix.. usually by the last few weeks of flowering you will need to repot again in to a finishing mix... now you can obviously see the hassles you will have with the repotting... but this is the BEST way for soil grows... on the other hand you can decide NOT to repot. and just suppliment with nutrients...and if thats the going to be the case.. as is with EVERY soil grow.. then I think youre better off just going for staight hydro from the start... way less hassles... and I think a way better method of growing... also hydro fushes better than soil... and of course if any problems arise, they can just be washed away with a simple flush...


mate., read those links I gave you... you shouldnt need anything else... a wardrobe with a 400watter can pull in excess of 10 ounces ever 10-12 weeks.. thats plenty for personal user... also when you decide to expand.. as EVERYONE does. the wardrobe will be the best thing you made for cuttings and seedlings...

if you shop araound you should be able to pick up an old wardrob4e for under $20.. mine cost me $2... from a second hand shop... and is very easy to convert... and cheap..

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