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Soil Vs Hyrdo

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i've been growing outdoors for a while now and have a fair idea of whats going on etc.

I'm about to embark on my great journy indoors soon :D and was wondering from other peoples encounters which they find works out better, indoor soil with controlled nute feeding system or a full blown hydro setup ?


just concerned about the upfront effort & time taken for the initial setup and result as i want to use my outdoor plants for clones for my first grow.


Just curious as to thoughts and opinions.....

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Once you get used to it hydro is simple, my system is very similar to growing in soil which is probably how I made the change so easily, I also don't have to worry about what nutrients are missing from the soil as I can buy excellent mj specific nutrients of the shelf at my favourite hydro shop.



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If you're moving indoors, chances are even if you own the place, you're not going to be wanting a lot of mud and dust around. Total hydro is the way to go, but you can start off passive. A lot of the hydro shops have the

dog bowl style pots, a bit like mini self contained solo dutch pots. Just don't skimp on the light. Get a good hid for serious blooming. If you have got the extra cash, you can set up your own active dripper system for about an extra $80. I run one with small rockwool starters in expanded clay in pots. The pots all have their own dripper line and they sit in trays that drain back into the res, in which I have a small pump(620 ltr/hr) and an airstone. Simple and it works. It's all in a cabinet 1m x 1m x 1.8m high with a signle 400.

Easy system to upscale. My friend stinky Pete uses crop boxes, but I hate having to get rid of all that used rockwool at the end. I'm into recyling, so the rocks are good as you can just wash em down and reuse them.

As far as nutes, I use bioponic nutes, which are about 75% organic, and don't contain salt ferts. The end result is a bit closer to what you would be used to in soil, and res maintainence is a lot less. Ph ranges from about 6.4 - 6.8 and you only flush a bout once a month.

There are a couple of good ones around. Check your hydro store.

Get big and Green


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i took clones from an outdoor to grow indoor not a problem.i used perlite for the medium and was very happy with the final product but being a gardener i would have loved to used soil but in the end i went for the less trouble more simple method .i just used hydo ferts i had no stress nor did my plants.one day i would like to grow using soil and i have got the rest of my life to do so .
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i got thinking lately with the way the laws have changed in south australia whith no hydro growing (very sad)but a person i know in the hydo bussiness says theres a loop hole in the law that if your hydro(under lights) is waterd by hand it is not hydro so if this is true it would be easy fixed.but i would not like to find out in court that it is not the case .
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i got thinking lately with the way the laws have changed in south australia whith no hydro growing (very sad)but a person i know in the hydo bussiness says theres a loop hole in the law that if your hydro(under lights) is waterd by hand it is not hydro so if this is true it would be easy fixed.but i would not like to find out in court that it is not the case .

yes, you have to consider the bias your source of information is likely to have. Obviously hydro shop operators aren't going to tell you NOT to grow hydro.

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