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Nimbin Embassy cautious about new drug test laws

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Hey mullaway.


Is it ok to to be angry when you feel threatened or confronted? Is it cool if I feel this for my community also?


It's ok to be afraid and cautious of strangers from outside Ozstoners.

It's fine for you to show hate, if you are scared and angry due to these foreigners.

So it is understandable that you have xenophobia. It's ok. :thumbsup:




But no-one is attacking nimbin.


nobody at all has made derogatory comments about Nimbin and those who live there?


That bush weed must be damaging nimbinites brains...

...Personally I believe Nimbin to be counterproductive in the battle to decrim MJ, all they are becoming are a bunch of yes men to the gov...

...all these Nimbin dicks can do...


who, the Cops or the Nimbinites..
in reference to assholery


They just two from the first page in this thread that set the tone, but woah be tied anybody who happens to correct the generalisations of these bigots...






Only the negative efforts of the HEMP bar prohibition reform team have been taken to task and mostly ironed out. All the people are still stoners and still in australia. So we are all united anyway. :scratchin:


Negative efforts? As opposed to the hugely positive effort of sitting around hanging shit on somebody who is, right or wrong, actually doing something?


Mmm, k.


I agree that it seems the gov have used the HEMP bar against the cause of cannabis prohibition repeal.


No chance its one of the highly edumacated journo's using an unprepared stoner's reaction to a bullshit question to justify his exhorbitant salary?


In the case of RDT, the HEMP bar's opinion will have no effect. Thats a green light revenue raiser ( drug data profiler too) for all states.

Some members here feel the HEMP bar reps should have opposed it wholeheartedly.

Reason - the zero tolerance catch 22.

You'll find most ppl agree with RDT, for road safety. All that needs highlighting is the inequality, which won't be affective due to prohibition anyway.


Have a good season mate. :peace:


The zero tolerance catch-22. Thats a less confrontational way of saying what I said about fear. The only reason these people are kicking up about it at all is the honesty it may force into their lives.


That they choose to show that fear in wholesale attacks on a village and its defender over the media's obsession with Michael Balderstone and his (probably) misrepresented response to a shitty question, when they should be angry at the government and its offenders says mountains about how totally scared they are.

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