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Nimbin Embassy cautious about new drug test laws

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Maybe the test only works on Indooor hydro? but it doesn't matter if your caught you can just claim you have "Pot Psycosis".



a side note on the South Aussie drug testing, it has gone very very media and police quiet, I don't think they are getting the numbers they were expecting, I think the last media I heard on it was; a testing station tested 1700 drivers found 50 odd drink drivers, and 3 testing positive for drugs (not mentioned whether cannabis or amphetamines).


I'm hoping the trial is a failure and they don't introduce it fully (currently only 1 drug bus)

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here's an idea that will help bring about changes


lets just hate on all things Nimbin for a while


lets even go as far as to suggest by implication that the NHE is the recipient of subversive government funding...



what a bigoted wank fest


At least these guys and girls in Nimbin publicly declare their stance, they have the courage to be known in the world as stoners and are not ashamed...

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Whos suggesting they are recipients of government funding?

I think thats highly unlikely. I like to deal in facts. your more than welcome to check my thread showing links between NHE and government research paper.

Incase i come across anything on the contrary, I think its just a case of them being thoughless and careless.

lets stay on topic and try and remain positive.

and as far as your parting sentence...


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Hey Generic hippie :toke: no one here has anything against nimbians :toke:


but it must be said that the NHE has a very insular, eccentric approach to law reform B)

and thier 'mission statement' seems to be the work of a small number of individuals whom like to think they are educating Joe Stoner, the average cannabis user :toke:

they remind me of the mormons, you know trying to shove bullshit down your neck, wont listen to reason :thumbsup:


think ive said enuf here :toke:


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Personally I believe Nimbin to be counterproductive in the battle to decrim MJ...

...Our rights are being stripped away day by day and all these Nimbin dicks can do is offer their "support" in the govs efforts!


who, the Cops or the Nimbinites..
in reference to assholery


I cant think of any logical reason why NHE or anyone for that matter would support these laws. They are out of their minds.

This political road NHE and its supporters (if any) are all walking down is full of too many compromises rendering any kind of political impact useless or of most concern counter productive...

...Its all too clear that NHE group are being used to authenticate harsh anti-drug policy


Would you expect anything less from the Nimbin Hemp Industry Embassy?

No wonder the police let their little operation continue on in Nimbin, they have become pawns of government propaganda.


NHE should be ASHAMED of themselves



it must also be said that OZSTONERS has a very insular, eccentric approach to uniting Australia's cannabis culture...



Sounds to me like a bunch of sour grapes from those without the courage to live their stoner lives without shame...


FFS, you stoners hating on Nimbin as though they are responsible for prohibition are just as pathetic as the alleged "journalistic integrity" of somebody who hears the word cannabis and heads to Nimbin for a touch of authenticity, for an informed comment from the streets.


Nimbin is a small rural village who's imported inhabitants were smart enough to turn their smoking habit into a tourist venture years ago, thereby saving the village from economic ruin. No more, no less.


Yes, there will be drug testing on the way into and out of Nimbin, without a doubt we will be subjected to that legislative bigotry again, but it wont be any worse than sniffer dogs invading your car, random searches for drugs already regularly occur. But the drug dogs are Nimbin's fault as well, right?


Instead of circling the wagons against the bigotry we as cannabis users are subjected to, the "lets blame Nimbin" brigade poke their heads from the sand and ignore the real criminals in this drug war.

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in reference to assholery

it must also be said that OZSTONERS has a very insular, eccentric approach to uniting Australia's cannabis culture...

Sounds to me like a bunch of sour grapes from those without the courage to live their stoner lives without shame...


FFS, you stoners hating on Nimbin as though they are responsible for prohibition are just as pathetic as the alleged "journalistic integrity" of somebody who hears the word cannabis and heads to Nimbin for a touch of authenticity, for an informed comment from the streets.


Nimbin is a small rural village who's imported inhabitants were smart enough to turn their smoking habit into a tourist venture years ago, thereby saving the village from economic ruin. No more, no less.


Yes, there will be drug testing on the way into and out of Nimbin, without a doubt we will be subjected to that legislative bigotry again, but it wont be any worse than sniffer dogs invading your car, random searches for drugs already regularly occur. But the drug dogs are Nimbin's fault as well, right?


Instead of circling the wagons against the bigotry we as cannabis users are subjected to, the "lets blame Nimbin" brigade poke their heads from the sand and ignore the real criminals in this drug war.


You guys just don't get it, noone ever said you are responsible for the laws but you ARE supporting them. What's sniffer dogs got to do with Drug testing anyway??? Dogs aren't sitting by the side of the road pulling over random drivers to see if they've had a smoke in the last week, and I can see in the not to distant future the pigs being able to get a search warrant based on a positive result to trash your car and home looking for pot.

As far as "living stoner lives without shame", I am not ashamed I smoke pot and I'm pretty sure noone else here is either. I don't advertise the fact by walking down the street past the cop shop with a joint hanging from my mouth as I don't want to be locked up ( I dare you to come to the real world and smoke your bush weed in a main street proudly proclaiming you're a stoner as the cops approach you and lock you up! ) , that's not shame it's just common sense, anyone asking my opinions on the subject gets told I smoke and if ignorant they usually cop an earbashing debunking all the bullshit they've been fed in the past. Alot of the time they will walk away with a new attitude.

Bigotry I think would describe your town better, after all you're the ones who think you are correct in dividing stoners into 2 categories (Bush and Hydro), you also come across as thinking your morally superior than the rest of stoner society.

You willingly accept propaganda as truth without researching the matter in a non biased manner, best shown in your "facts" about hydro. It would be great if everyone could grow outdoors without fear of rippoffs or incarceration, but unfortunately out in the real world we have these things called cities where there is no "bush" to grow in, there's also places where weather doesn't permit growing pot outdoors but you guys don't seem to be able to wrap your head around it.

If Nimbin wants to be seen as supporting decriminilisation of pot and the rest of stoner society you best start by supporting the rights of stoners as well and try researching before spouting bullshit, like I said before look at the way this drug testing works and you'll see in no way does it detect if you're under the influence of pot only if you've been in contact with it in the recent past! How does supporting this help or support the stoner communtity?

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GH thats some very angry posting there. You type that before your morning smoke? :thumbsup:


You're confusing critcism of the HEMP Embassy crew with criticism of Nimbin people in general. I think its important you notice the difference.


Also, I don't think anyone is blaming the HEMP Embassy for the laws, but the fact is they are helping the government spread negative propaganda about hydro. Any person with a bit of common sense should be able to see this is bad for all stoners, no matter where your smoke comes from.


Now, self proclaimed "activist", Mr. Baulderstone, when presented with the chance to give his comments to the media, actually offers support to screening drivers for cannabis ffs. Jesus Christ this issue has been in the news for over a year you'd think anyone involved in cannabis activism would be well researched on the subject and have something a bit more intelligent to say about it than that.


But, as you said GH, the HEMP Embassy is all about raking in the tourist dollar, and little to do with cannabis law reform. :applause:

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Hi generic_hippy,

This has nothing to do with Nimbin in general.

I and others can only go by claims on the websites and recent behaviour of NHE and its afiliates on ozstoners, to draw the kind of conclusions that dont reflect them in any particular positive light.

I did and will draw a link between the NHE group border line fanatical anti-hydro/indoor. to direct reference making a distinction (for the purpose of policy) on "hydroponics" NHE is the ONLY reference to this distinction (read the report please!).

NSW has harsher cannabis laws particulary the "hydro" distinction. Is NHE to blame for this? Perhaps not, but its written in black and white all over the place that you support this distinction! :thumbsup:

I would also like to ask Mr. Baulderstone if he supports the new "hydro" laws. If not then I would pointedly ask whether he supports "hydro" - which we all know now that he and others dont. You see where im getting at now?

Truth sucks doesnt it and Im sorry too. But believe me I dont want this.

Some of us have been a bit overly passionate in their critisims of NHE, me included.

Have you ever thought some of us, infact probably extremely high proportion of the GLOBAL cannabis community, grow indoor under lights and hydroponically?

The NHE has made it quite clear that they dont support indoor cultivated cannabis.

So why such the anger about us not supporting NHE?

Also the suggestion that people here give up their anonymity is extremely irresponsible is the safety and well being of your fellow cannabis brother really not much of a concern for you?

The luxary that the few activists in nimbin are able to doesnt suggest much - people know i consume the herb thats no big secret, but grow it?

It would be nice, but I dont have a bush grow 3km away from me with a back up story that its "not mine".

And now with the new "hydro" laws, its even more unlikely this will happen :applause:



Edited by wildflower
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for a bunch of non-Nimbin-hating cunts there is a lot of defending of attitudes going on here, justifications up the wazoo...


Oh we said this, BUT NIMBIN blah blah


We said that, but Bladerstone blah blah



I have lived in every state in this country, have the cannabis convictions to prove it. I live my stoner life as though I have no other life because I believe in it.


Courage of your own convictions is what my dear old Ma used to call it, intestinal fortitude is what my Pa called it.


I believe the error lies with the law that seeks to classify nature a crime, and so my obligation is to live outside that law.


The thing I fear losing the most?


My integrity...



I may not agree with everything that comes out of the NHE, (not by a long shot), but I have respect for them living without fear, for refusing to submit through fear of incarceration, fear of assett removal or myriad other threats of cultural genocide aimed squarely at them. These guys even refuse to give the appearance of compliance.


They just be stoners the best they can, and fuck the consequences.


Amazing to me, this place, (Ozstoners) seems to have matured in reverse...


Uniting Australia's cannabis culture?


To me it still sounds like a bunch of sour grapes from people without the courage to do it themselves...


Do it my way, (oh I'm not actually doing anything other than complaining about others doing what I wont, but I know your way is wrong), so yeah, do it my way...



Being a resident of the area in question, (not the village proper, but a resident none the less), this carry-on about bush-v-hydro is much more prevalent here than any place I've been to in Nimbin excepting maybe the laneway. (If you are stupid enough to buy pot in the laneway you probably deserve an arse-raping anyway...)



Just a thought, instead of posting repeating Nimbin-bashings here, (hanging shit on hippies without giving them the opportunity of reply is quite cowardly), why don't you form a group of hydro-supporters and actively seek to change what you don't fucking like?


You could come up with a really cool acronym,













Or better yet, you could continue to heap shit on people who just continue to smoke pot regardless of how it appears in the eyes of the world proving how wonderfully superior you are to those dirty jobless hippies...

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