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Nimbin Embassy cautious about new drug test laws

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you were always passionate GH but I don't ever remember you having such spite, especially considering that you are speaking to your fellow stoners.


You've changed mate, and not for the better IMO.


but if you expect people to take your comments in this thread seriously after all your insults then you're dreaming :scratchin:

Edited by pipeman
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What the hell is G_H smoking/dropping/snorting ? So getting busted and copping gaol and getting POOTANGED means your keeping it real does it ?


Back on to the topic I have this to say


"Hmmmmm" :scratchin: ! I'll wait and see/hear for myself what the NHE stand is on these nazti discriminatory laws actually is ! But I say again "Hmmmmm" :thumbsup:

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Alright, this shit has gone too far.


this closed xenophobic community.
fuckin' idiots
you fuckwads first...
some of you big noting cunts here abouts

In a generally polite conversation, you GH seem determined to abuse this community as a whole :scratchin:


just three in a row blindly ignoring what was said in favour of "uniting" with the bloke who said it

WTF, you said 'it' GH and I can't see one, let alone three, 'uniting' with the shit you're dribbling!


No mention of the valid points I raised nor the disection of Michaels comments

Perhaps if you tried a little harder to make sense, rather thanabuse & offend, you'd get the dialogue you're after!

However, considering verbal abuse is the medium you prefer to communicate in...


If you don't like the people here FUCK OFF!

Plain & simple mate, keep it civil or FUCK OFF!

If you can't show some basic respect for your fellow stoners FUCK OFF!





(someone had to balance out the tide of abuse :thumbsup:)




NB. no hippies or Nimbinians were harmed in the production of this post.

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Alright, this shit has gone too far.

In a generally polite conversation, you GH seem determined to abuse this community as a whole :thumbsup:

WTF, you said 'it' GH and I can't see one, let alone three, 'uniting' with the shit you're dribbling!

Perhaps if you tried a little harder to make sense, rather thanabuse & offend, you'd get the dialogue you're after!

However, considering verbal abuse is the medium you prefer to communicate in...


If you don't like the people here FUCK OFF!

Plain & simple mate, keep it civil or FUCK OFF!

If you can't show some basic respect for your fellow stoners FUCK OFF!


(someone had to balance out the tide of abuse :scratchin:)

NB. no hippies or Nimbinians were harmed in the production of this post.


I'll come here and point out wankery as long as my account remains active, it is my mission in life...


No, I haven't abused "the whole community", just defended Nimbin in a non-politically correct manner, correctly labelling a few (insert plural adjective) along the way, and I'm sorry for offending the delicate sensibilities of the big girl's blouses I have offended.


Not one of you has managed to mention the (accurate) dissection I made of Michaels comments, just still ranting on about the language as though you don't understand profanity...


Not one of you has been able to defend the bullshit about Nimbin posted here that I have rebuked, but the intensity of the dislike goes on and on...


Not one mention of the hydro-lovers of Nimbin, (of which I happen to be a member), nor the pointed out fact that there is a significant amount of hydro in Nimbin if you care to venture deeper than the tourist end of the Hemp Bar


If there is a stoner place about to implode through xenophobic attitudes and basic bigotry, it is OZstoners, not Nimbin...




Big call to make pipeman, that I have changed, I mean we were such good friends and you knew me so intimately...


This is the type of closed minded generalisation I have ben rebuking all through this thread. Nimbin hates hydro, Nimbin supports random drug testing, g_h has changed for the worst, blah blah blah...


No spite, just refusal to let you hand out uninformed shit about my village in a derogatory manner...

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I'll come here and point out wankery as long as my account remains active, it is my mission in life...

If this is your mission in life you have one hell of a sad life there GH. BTW those "tourists" that you rag on and so many from Nimbin ripoff and play for suckers are actually usually fellow smokers of the herb and the life blood of Nimbin so why look down your nose at them , oh I forgot that's how you look at every other smoker here too :scratchin:

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Hey generic hippy.


It's ok to to be angry when you feel threatened or confronted. It's cool if you feel this for your community also.

It's ok to be afraid and cautious of strangers from outside nimbin.

It's fine for you to show hate, if you are scared and angry due to these foreigners.

So it is understandible that you have xenaphobia. It's ok. :thumbsup:


But no-one is attacking nimbin. Only the negative efforts of the HEMP bar prohibition reform team have been taken to task and mostly ironed out. All the people are still stoners and still in australia. So we are all united anyway. :scratchin:



I agree that it seems the gov have used the HEMP bar against the cause of cannabis prohibition repeal.

In the case of RDT, the HEMP bar's opinion will have no effect. Thats a green light revenue raiser ( drug data profiler too) for all states.

Some members here feel the HEMP bar reps should have opposed it wholeheartedly.

Reason - the zero tolerance catch 22.

You'll find most ppl agree with RDT, for road safety. All that needs highlighting is the inequality, which won't be affective due to prohibition anyway.


Have a good season mate. :peace:

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If this is your mission in life you have one hell of a sad life there GH.


As you seem unfamiliar with sarcasm, here's a definition for you: sarcasm - harsh or bitter derision or irony


BTW those "tourists" that you rag on and so many from Nimbin ripoff and play for suckers are actually usually fellow smokers of the herb and the life blood of Nimbin so why look down your nose at them ,


Not once have I stated an opinion on the canna-tourists who visit my village, good or bad. I have stated there are better places to get weed in Nimbin than the laneway, referring to anybody with judgement poor enough to buy pot in said laneway being deserving some form of sexual violence, but that still makes no judgement as to their worth, their wisdom in shopping yes, but personal worth, no. Neither does referring to the "tourist end" of the hemp bar and the bush weed available make any judgements as to anybody's worth.


I'm sorry if you still can't understand what I actually said, perhaps if you jump off the bandwagon and read for yourself...



oh I forgot that's how you look at every other smoker here too :scratchin:


Just the ones who sit in judgement on others as though they have any more right to that sort of behaviour than I do when I judge them harshly.


FFS, all I did was defend a village I happen to love in some mildly inappropriate language from some seriously misguided criticism.


You'd think I actually made a difference to the quality of your lives or some shit the way you are carrying on...


I'll stick with my original throw away line...



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