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Nimbin Embassy cautious about new drug test laws

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god you speak some shit sometimes.


you accuse us of having a superiority complex... um, take a look at your own fucking posts mate. A more superior attitude would be hard to find.


and you say HEMP have no right of reply, wtf are you on about? They are free to reply any time they want. If you are so fucking concerned about the HEMP Bar crew's participation in every thread about them, we can set up a HEMP Bar alert. We'll monitor all the Aussie forums in shifts, 24 hours a day 7 days a week to ensure no posts are missed. Whenever the subject of Nimbin or the Hemp Bar come up, we can send an email to all concerned parties alerting them of the situation. :)


get over yourself.



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GH you have to be the biggest joke on this board, do you actually believe the bullshit you type? All these posts from Nimbinites only show what arrogant self righteous holier than thou ignorant fools you are.

Last time I stayed at Nimbin was nearly 15 years ago, back then there was none of this nonsense about how much better they were than the rest of stoner society becuase they publicly proclaimed themselves as stoners and setup their own community instead of living in normal society with the rest of us, hell I came close to moving there too but family and business obligations prevented it. The poeple their were some of the least arrogant nicest poeple you'd ever want to meet, what the hell happened????

If what was said on ACA last year is true the price of houses or land there now is beyond any but the wealthy now so expect the town to slowly be bought out by yuppies and land developers as the older hippies die off and their smack head kids sell the block of dirt for a small fortune.

So you think you're a big man becuase you live "outside the law"? I've got a clue for you, we all do the same every time we have a smoke.

"These guys even refuse to give the appearance of compliance" Is that so? How about the "Yes Mr Gov we totally agree that hydro needs to be stamped out" ? Or the more recent "Yes Mr Gov please introduce random testing and take another right away from us"

Finally I think I can safely say that 99.9% of the poeple on this forum can be included in the group "continue to smoke pot regardless of how it appears in the eyes of the world" and you don't think this type of shit is acting superior or self righteous?

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couldnt agree more 420Downunder.


The behaviour of generic_hippy and others that proclaim to be "champions" of cannabis law reform is deplorable. They lack any ability whatsoever to represent any logical or intelligent discussion and should be ashamed of themselves.

Rather than address any of the relevent points provided. Instead we witness the carryons of what you would expect from a 12 year child.



Even civil libertarians who probably only drink wine on weekends have problems with roadside drug testing. We have a right to question these laws and we have a right to question Mr Baulderstone and his motive for supporting it.

Hes has put himself in the position claiming to represent cannabis reform and perhaps the wider cannabis community - he is now in a position of RESPONSIBILITY (sorry for the caps) if he doesnt like it then I suggest he doesnt get involved in the politics.

I and others will always be here to watch what he says. So far he obviously doesnt think before he opens his mouth or makes a post on his website - words are a powerful thing, especially when they can be USED AGAINST THE CAUSE YOU CLAIM TO REPRESENT.

This is arogant, irresponsible and totally disregards any concerns other people might have.

Why not join the hippies here that use their brains? :doh:



Did the NHE and anti-indoor fanatics really think they could come on this forum and convert everyone to their fanatical beliefs and that we wouldnt question it and even reject it?

So why the tantrum?

We've hit a tender spot obviously. Because the truth hurts. Again believe me its not intentional. Facts tend to un-nerve fanatics. This whole anti-indoor/hydro issue lacks logic, practicality and rationality - perhaps thats the reason your falling apart right before our eyes?

Also stop with this "hippy" victim crap, it doesnt wash. This forum is filled with hippies (including me)


Its like the fanatical christian I once had a discussion with - hes all smiles and friendly. When I started to question him and put forward some valid points - his smile turned to a frown and yelled "burn in hell then!" and walked away.



Edited by wildflower
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poke poke


Nimbin is better than you...


poke poke...


fuckin' idiots



I have no objection to your preferred method of growing, why then are you so fucking anal about how those one or two people you know in Nimbin grow, those one or two that make so much noise about their bush?


Nobody I know that actually resides in Nimbin gives a rats arse about hydro-v-bush, but then I know a few more people than it takes to man the hemp bar at the (tourist end) of the front counter...


As to the topic of testing, well, I personally agree that people who are impaired should not drive, but the last quote I read from the Nimbin Hemp Embassy was from Michael Balderstone today in the Northern Star, it asked for testing of the tesing aparatus, but hey, I suppose thats a bad thing because he didn't clear it with you fuckwads first...


Here's an on-topic idea, let's analyse the part of the original post attributable to Balderstone, (just for funsy's)...


"He says the Nimbin community has been waiting for this time to come.

There's been a few false starts on this and we've been waiting for this in Nimbin," he said.


Okay, "waiting for this", mmm, that doesn't say it was a thing they were looking forward to, just that they knew it was coming...


"Frankly, I thought maybe we're all going to be walking, but now they've said [they will] test people who have used within four hours, that sounds reasonable to me."


A reference to the sheer numbers of stoner drivers in Nimbin surely. At least there's evidence he's read something about the testing, but notice he isn't claiming expertise in this area like some of you big noting cunts here abouts... Just a simple statement that implies four hours is a reasonable amount of time between smoking and operating machinery...


"I just wonder how accurate it is."


Questioning the efficacy of the equipment. Sure, he didn't babble on about metabolites and a ton of other irrrelevant shit that would not have been printed anyway, or the civil rights of stoners to (perhaps) endanger other people's lives with irresponsible use of a motor-vehicle when smashed, but the idea that the equipment being considered to test stoner drivers for stonedness has questions as to its reliability and accuracy.



Interesting that intelligent banter with the media that has to be nullified of intelligence to reach the sheople is seen as his "fault" by the Nimbin-haters.


Plenty of hydro growers and proponents in and around Nimbin, perhaps if you removed your heads from your collective rectums long anough to meet some locals (without a mouthful of derogatory shit about Nimbin flowing through it) and showed some modicum of "uniting" anything, you'd end the jealousy and worry about your own shit instead of attacking them for the volume of a few vocal bush growers who drive Nimbin's tourist dollar...


Or better yet, you can all hate on me and take no notice of the wisdom I have presented for your edification...



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Well I just don't understand why Michael Balderstone and the nimbin hemp embassy are supporting this outrages discrimination against those that smoke.Now there has been no testing done on these machines (Just because the company saids so doesn't make it so).there is no level set like there is on alcohol its just a matter of whether you've got in your system well thats just not good enough!Seriously do the scientific research oh but wait you just might find the exact opposite to what they are hoping for.If anything cannabis does help you drive FACT.It hasn't been successful in Victoria so how is it going to be effect in NSW?ITs just turning into a police state and that is not on. :) :doh: :)
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I am not sure what all the hate here is about.. theres absolutely no need for it at all...


so please keep it cival.... everyone...


I am a stoner and I do drive stoned... and am currently serving 10 month suspension for drink driving... I personally believe drug driving testing is most probably a good thing... as is testing for drink driving... but to have a 0 tolerence for drugs is a little stupid..and a .05 tollerance for drink drivers.. when theres a hell of lot more accidents cuased from drinkdrivers over drug drivers for sure...

with that said I think there needs to be a more accurate account for the testing... I dont feel they would be accurate.. as a constant smoker would test more than a recreational smoker...


its a touchy subject.. but ofcourse of you drive while under the influence of drugs then.. you should suffer the same as a drink driver... why would anyone think any different..


however I think its a little harsh to put MJ on the same level as speed and xtc... personally, I feel a hell of a lot safer driving when I am a little stoned... especially on long drives...

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You're a sick man GH, probably sicker than you realise ... if you ever decide you want some help to untangle the psycho-babble that runs through your head I would be happy to recommend a very good psychiatrist. :)


No mention of the valid points I raised nor the disection of Michaels comments, just three in a row blindly ignoring what was said in favour of "uniting" with the bloke who said it, cant see past the language to understand what was said...


How very typical of the attitude here in this closed xenophobic community.

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