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Nimbin Embassy cautious about new drug test laws

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Embassy cautious about new drug test laws

Friday, 1 September 2006. 13:04 (AEDT)



The Nimbin Hemp Embassy is offering cautious support to plans to introduce drug-testing for drivers in New South Wales.


The State Government introduced laws into the Parliament yesterday that would allow police to take random saliva tests designed to detect cannabis, ecstasy and speed.


The Hemp Embassy's Michael Balderstone says as long as the tests only apply to recent drug use he will support them.


He says the Nimbin community has been waiting for this time to come.


"There's been a few false starts on this and we've been waiting for this in Nimbin," he said.


"Frankly, I thought maybe we're all going to be walking, but now they've said [they will] test people who have used within four hours, that sounds reasonable to me.


"I just wonder how accurate it is."



Date: 1 September 2006.

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/items/200609/17....htm?northcoast

Copyright: 2006 ABC


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That bush weed must be damaging nimbinites brains, did they even bother researching to find out how the test works for themselves instead of just hoping what they're told is the truth. The test as it stands can detect pot for alot longer than 4 hours, especially in a heavy smoker as well as being innacurate (false positives are fairly common as well as false negatives).There also needs to be an established intoxication level established like the .05 booze one where one puff of a joint 2 hours ago won't get you busted.

Personally I believe Nimbin to be counterproductive in the battle to decrim MJ, all they are becoming are a bunch of yes men to the gov (yes all hydro is bad, yes bring on random drug testing). What's next, yes you can obtain a warrant based on the fact we tested positive to mj to search our car, house and butthole?

Our rights are being stripped away day by day and all these Nimbin dicks can do is offer their "support" in the govs efforts! :applause:

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But that's the way it's headed...


Drug driving isn't something I approve of, but this testing regeime is just persecution of recreational drug users. Testing for metabolites is like arresting someone for drink driving two days after they've last had a drink. It has no bearing on impairment at the time.


How about this for a novel approach? TEST IMPAIRMENT RATHER THAN DRUG LEVELS! Of any kind. But noooo, we have to test for a limit of a said substance to determine whether you're impaired, never mind if you have a massive tolerance to something and aren't affected like your wife is...


Assholes. Pure assholes.

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"There's been a few false starts on this and we've been waiting for this in Nimbin," he said."

They want this?


I cant think of any logical reason why NHE or anyone for that matter would support these laws. They are out of their minds.

This political road NHE and its supporters (if any) are all walking down is full of too many compromises rendering any kind of political impact useless or of most concern counter productive.

Also I assume that when he mentioned "walking" that was somekind of threat of protest? gee I can really see MP's cowering in their shoes at the thought.

Its all too clear that NHE group are being used to authenticate harsh anti-drug policy so the question is, where are they getting support from? I'm not talking about the human numbers either, I'm talking about the cash in the bank type.


Edited by wildflower
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