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Woman Lashed in Somalia Over Cannabis

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MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - Islamic leaders in Mogadishu on Thursday gave a woman 11 lashes for selling cannabis, the first female to receive such punishment since the fundamentalist rulers took over the capital in June.


The woman, who throughout the beating insisted she was innocent, was flogged alongside five other men at the Yassin Square in Mogadishu in front of several hundred people. The small bundle of cannabis, worth around $1 on the streets of the capital, was burned before the crowd.


``The reason we punished them was that we want to stop people selling and using drugs,'' said a local security official, Sheik Omar Hussein. ``We believe as Islamists that people should stay away from drugs.''


The imposition of strict religious rule has sparked fears of an emerging, Taliban-style regime. The United States accuses Somalia's Islamic leaders of harboring al-Qaida leaders responsible for deadly bombings at the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.


Late Tuesday, Islamic militiamen raided a makeshift video hall in Mogadishu, beating up viewers watching an Indian film. Like the Taliban, members of the group appear to see any entertainment as un-Islamic.



Date:Friday August 25, 2006 3:01 AM


Source: Guardian Newspapers Limited 2006

Copyright: Guardian Newspapers Limited 2006


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If that were the worst thing to have happened to someone for possessing Marijuana ...

Then things would be good.


I think I'd rather get whipped than to have to deal with a fucken Pig Officer.





11 lashes for $1 worth of cannabis is good?? Imagine what you would get for the million dollar busts they get here.. think you could handle 11 million lashes?? :thumbsup:




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