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Good already prepaired soil

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Hi peoples!


I love to make my own soil, a well prepaired compost is impossible to beat if you're going to use soil.


But in recent years, my health has declined so much, that I can't do it anymore. So I have to buy soil in bags.


It seems that most are crap. There's one product I know of called "Searles 5 in 1" that is extremely concentrated. Excellent to add into other mixes of soil to increase the overall potency of the soil.


But that still requires bending, hauling heavy bags and mixing heavy soils. I'm not joking about being incapacitated, so does anyone know of a good bagged soil that is ready to go?


I live in Qld, it seems that the bagged soils vary from state to state a fair bit.


Any comments or known experiments with different bagged soils, would be greatly appreciated.





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Guest Urbanhog

I use that compost, fuck I forgot what it's called I think it's "Verrom" or something like that, you know that picture of that Worm with helmet in a Army Tank? They can be brought from Coles Supermarkets, it's QLD made, and I live in QLD, so just head off to your nearest Coles or Brunnings's Warehouse and get the staff to carry the bags to your car :ph34r: They come in two bags "Potting Mix" and "Compost" they cost about $6-$7.00 for 25 Litre Bags, my veggies, poppies, and pot plants loved that stuff with that mixed with Perlite and Vericulture, just used 1/3 of all 3 stuff. It's nice and rich and nice "composty" smell if you get my drift, as it's made from worm castings.


Hope helps a bit, also there's few other brands that's compost with gypsum added so all you have to do is chuck in the ground and the gypsum breaks down the hard soil at the same time. There's hundreds of brands, and also it might be good idea to get Sugar Cane Mulch, they are bit expensive, but they will save a fortune to your water rates, my herb garden loves the sugar cane mulch, don't forget to COVER your neck, arms, hands, legs, and body when handling sugarcane because they have these millions of tiny fibres like fibreglass, it gets into your skin and gets damned itchy, I learnt the hard way when I used to work up Tully, Far NQ, on Banana, Pawpaw and Sugar Cane planatations.


So it's good idea to water well the sugar cane mulch in the bag before spreading around your garden to lower the risk of getting these damned fibres into your skin, if you get them just wipe with metho, and you will feel back to normal lol


Also my local nursey told me that QLD is going to have pretty hot and dry summer this coming summer..... :)

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Thanks mate, helps heaps. Saves me going through all the different types in trial and error. Thanks for the tip on the cane fibres too, I had no idea it was like that.


I wonder why that cane mulch is so damn dear? When I lived out bush, I could buy large round bales for 20 dollars of just plain grass, or up to 60 dollars of high quality lucerne. It kind of puts a bag of can mulch out of proportion.




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Guest Urbanhog
I think it's because of this "organic" bullshit, just like these expensive organic veggies to see at supermarkets, sometimes I doubt if they are "Really Organic"?? the Cane mulch is also "organic" it costs between $20-$30 an bale is is enough for about 4 metres sqaure with about 15-20 thick of mulch, at Brunning's Warehouse I got 2 bales for $50 bucks. I think it's just using the word "organic" nets more profits for business/famers... :angry: even they aren't using chemicals so it's costing them less to grow them right?? uh crazy world.... B)
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Guest Urbanhog

Just realised I made a wee mistake, Verrom's Compost is actaully called "Soil improver", just other word for compost, just realised that when I went to the supermarket this morning, as at Coles they sell 20 litre bags and at Brunning's they sell 25 Litre Bags



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