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Driver Drug Tests-Your PERSONAL experiences?

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Well considering its been brought up again... My test wasn't while I was driving.. I had just finished work and gone to a mates place, had a few drinks and a few cones, and I was absolutely ripped. My mate spilt the bong water on me, it was pretty funny at the time but wasn't very funny when I ran into transits and pigs with a dog at the train station..



Same thing happened to me(sorta)


We were at Splendour in the Grass, smokin our selves silly back at camp, while I went and had a piss, misses and mates decided to have a larf and pour dirty ol bong water all ova my shoes withhout lettin me know.


Time to go back into the festival, with a few j's down my pants, walked the gaunlet of sniffer dogs at the gate enterance,and low and behold a lovely lookin sniffer dog sits down in front of me, FARRK!!


Got taken aside, emptyed pockets, pat down, and asked weather I have been hangin round anybody that have been taking drugs today? responce was " yes officer, we are at splendour in the grass, EVERYBODY is on drugs!" ok no worries your free to go.


And those J's I had stashed were th best tastin smoke I ever had (for that day anyway)

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Never been tested myself, and always just tried to ignore the minor paranoia associated with driving on the gods-green in Melbourne or Adelaide; on a slightly different note to most posts in this thread, I believe the tests, at a base level, revolve around either acidic or alkaline recognition - which one I'm not sure of.


The vinegar/mouth-wash thing people speak of 'beating' the tests works the same way as vinegar neutralizing an acid burn, or baking soda neutralizing battery acid. You find the substance base being tested for and counter it with it's opposing factor.


Saliva contains a lot of naturally occurring base level acids (ie: amino acids) that carry substances found in our blood stream - alkalies neutralize acids. Stands to reason that if the tests revolve around acids recognition that a decent hit of alkaline will render said test useless.


If you're going to try/rely on this method to beat a RDT I would recommend home-made Sherbet heavy on the baking-soda - it tastes a shitload better than vinegar and on a theoretical base, should work exactly the same.


Please note: I have no idea if the testing process used is actually testing acidic or alkaline based levels or not, so don't blame me if it doesn't work :whistle:

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They got some of these RDT swabs in Nimbin and tested them out,


Check out what they came up with :Here


They've got quite a few Vans out these days cause of the christmas season, spotted them out in Syd twice in 1 trip to my former dealers house, (changed cause of the RDTs, not worth riskin it, now I get deliveries!) once on the M5 after the tunnel in Heavy inspection bay, managed not to get pulled at that one!, and again on King Georges rd btwn canterbury rd + Punchbowl rd, I was on other side of rd thank fuck and missed out that one, had a long drive back that night to avoid them, cause the stuff I picked up stunk the car out!


Got tested earlier this year, goin into Nimbin for Mardi grass. Got through that one and had been smoking for most of the drive up from syd that day, told the copper who tested me that I had been smoking a bit the night before!

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I haven't had any personal experience with cops and drug tests, but I had an ex who, during the coarse of the night, had k, pills, weed and booze, then drove home, crashed her car, drug test came up negetive and her insurance paid out.

The testers aren't that reliable, I hear vinegar works well (gives you 15 minutes of clearance) and is what I have in my car as a back up plan if I ever get pulled over driving high.

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They got some of these RDT swabs in Nimbin and tested them out,


Check out what they came up with :Here


They've got quite a few Vans out these days cause of the christmas season, spotted them out in Syd twice in 1 trip to my former dealers house, (changed cause of the RDTs, not worth riskin it, now I get deliveries!) once on the M5 after the tunnel in Heavy inspection bay, managed not to get pulled at that one!, and again on King Georges rd btwn canterbury rd + Punchbowl rd, I was on other side of rd thank fuck and missed out that one, had a long drive back that night to avoid them, cause the stuff I picked up stunk the car out!


Got tested earlier this year, goin into Nimbin for Mardi grass. Got through that one and had been smoking for most of the drive up from syd that day, told the copper who tested me that I had been smoking a bit the night before!

I hate it when you can still smell it in the care the next day and you have to pick someone up.

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Yep, i got tested about 18 months or so ago. out in western sydney on Luxford rd near Shalvey. If there is anyone from that area, look on google maps where there is a reserve that crosses Luxford rd near Sedgman Cresc. It's 2 lanes in that section, plus the reserve on both sides on the rd makes it a perfect place to set up camp for the drug bus. I was driving thru there one morning about 11 am, and i had decided to have a midweek smoke the night before. It was at least 10hrs from my last smoke but i got slightly anxious when they flagged down the Transit van.


They done the speil, (have you smoked etc), i was honest and said yeh last night about 10pm. They done the test, came back about 10mins later and said they COULD DETECT IT, but not enough to charge me. Pity there was a young bloke in the van with me who was a family friend of the boss and i think he may have had a quiet word with the boss.


Funny thing was it took about a month or so for them to relieve of my duties there due to the "global financial crisis". In reality, it was that episode plus the fact they had hired an apprentice who was pretty up to speed in the job enough to do what i was doing for half the price.


Since then i've heard from a few different people that are unknown to each other that place is a favourite for them, as it's pretty hard to do a u-turn and get out of there.


Be careful out there people!

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Hi budlovers,i've never been tested but i work in construction and a job i was on recently done swab tests,there was a group of guys who went to the carpark at lunch times for a choof and security clicked on and tested them on their way back in,all but one failed and he said that he was chewing gum at the time and that might be why he passed,don't know for sure but it's just a thought. I'm not sure what brand of test they used so i don't know if it is the same as the cops.So maybe chew some gum while driving if you have had a smoke beforehand just incase it does work,at the least your breath will be fresh lol.
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I know someone who was busted on a roadside drug test.


He tested positive to weed and several days later the police raided his house.


Also, i have heard that a fishermans friend can help you pass a test.


Right, I have some coke, ice-cream, vinegar, swig of vodka, Hotdog, pizza, bubble gum and some fishermans friend in my car at all times! ;)




Edited by fingabang
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