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Driver Drug Tests-Your PERSONAL experiences?

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You are right oz and if they try it on after that you simply invoke your rights under the Geneva Convention, this bloody war must end and soon, we can't even purchase hemp hurd to make our hempcrete and build our house, the idiots in power must think we could smoke the stuff or get continuous highs from living in a house built from hemp.


freddie, if we don't stand up and do something then nothing will change, we all know these laws are illegal they breach every human rights document we are signatories to, our governments are in breach of the single treaty on narcotics and therefore braking federal law in the ongoing war on drugs, and of course there is the little matter or our constitution. If we are to obey laws then we should insure that our governments also obey the law.


You go for it oz regardless of what others here think, I am over the cowardly attitudes of some who will grow to sell or use for whatever reason but are never prepared to stand up for the fight regardless of how right it is.

Here is what will happen if you refuse a roadside drug test in NSW:

16. What happens if a driver refuses to be tested?


If a person refuses to be tested at the roadside they can be fined $1,100. They will also have to accompany a Police officer to the Police truck where they will have to provide a sample of their oral fluid.


If they refuse to provide an oral fluid sample a maximum fine of $3,300 applies, plus licence disqualification for a minimum of six months up to an unlimited period.


A driver who refuses to be tested can also be prohibited from driving for 24 hours by Police.



I don't think dope driving is anywhere near as dangerous as drink driving but I do think doped drivers are a little bit impaired. I have no problem waiting 4 hours to drive after consuming cannabis. I have driven stoned many times when younger and never had an accident but I can think of some occasions in heavy traffic with a lot of stimulus (i.e. lights, noise e.t.c.) where I don't think being stoned helped driving at all. Bottom line is that I don't think you should drive stoned. A better image for stoners is one of social responsibility.


As for using international rights I can see it might have potential for medical use but not as a defence for a cannabis driving test.


Littlebit, I think its great to stand up for your rights and wish you and Lightning all the best but can't go along with advising drivers to refuse tests. It will only end worse than if you took the test anyway.

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I know exactly what the system says I also know they are simply not entitled to under the Human Rights laws and they are over and state legislation. As for advising anyone to do anything freddie what I advise and what people do with that advise is very much up to them and since oz has made that decision for him/her self I was supporting not advising.
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When someone tells me driving stoned is dangerous, I just say what would you prefer, me on the freeway driving 3 cms behind ya in 3rd gear and flicking though lanes at 150 kms with rage against the machine blasting, or would you prefer me driving at around the speed limit keeping a safe distance well listening to ABC news radio?
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I don't think driving high impairs you that much either. However it must change your driving skills somewhat. The only question is are you better when you're high or when you're not :scratchin:. Some people might be better off high because they concentrate more, I know I do, but some might just zone out all the time which obviously isn't good. This guy on Cannacom (the forum where I originally went on) also said he gets insane reflex skills when he's high.


But for the sake of getting Cannabis legalised I reckon we should not try and fight our right to drive stoned yet. Sure we can fight the saliva tests, but the scientists will probably do that for us anyway just because it's plain pseudo science which pisses them off.

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Guest sambam420afghanica
I was on Grt Westn Hwy in sydneys west. I was on my way back from a mates place in the city. So wrekced i was basically dry reaching. Spotted the RDT at 200metres. what your looking for is a panel van with CLEARY LABELLED. "DRUG TESTING UNIT". and like one of the others did i hooked a U'e and drove away unsuspciously. A mate travelling behind me unfortunately caught in the mahem. He was tested. They seemed to have cotton bud type instruments. swabs were taken on the skin. (forearm). My friend "Mr X" had comsumed 3.5 grams. i remember exactly. The Officer said that he was clear to go. My guess is that it was a check for amphetemines. He was driving a tilt tray. The majority of vehicles being pulled over were over 4 tonnes so they were likely targeting truckies who are rockn rollin. As long as your not driving a 4 tonne truck loaded with your ladies you should be fine. If you are pulled over just be as co-operative as possible and never have more than the legal CC amount which is 15grams. IF you have more just be really nice and appear to be a decent hard working community man/women and the police especially NSW po po have incedible powers of discretion so they can let you walk. Just be careful about how you speak to them. Reffer to them as "officer" and appear to be in a rush due to a public works emergency. Its a legitmate excuse. Ive used this before. If your driving a provisional lisence all i can say is your F*****. im happy im on my fulls now. I was a prime target for western sydney police. Hwy patrol. Theyre not so lenient but theyre mainly after racers with meth not for us nice stoners.
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in qld they are apparently trialling letting normal police officers conduct the tests eg. every cop car like breath testing. so a cop could pull you over and test you and a lot of cops here are extreme assholes(the wanna be detective kind) my wife is very straightlaced and was pulled over and her car searched. they threw everything out the car on the side of the road found nothing then drove off and let her put it all away(in front of the shopping center) she was really upset(not angry)
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