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Driver Drug Tests-Your PERSONAL experiences?

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Hello Brothers and Sisters of the Sacred Herb in the 3 states that have this insidious zero-tolerance

(absolutely an oxymoron)by stealth drug tests for cannabis consumers. I would be very interested in your personal experiences with this nazty testing ,1st hand only please, NO I know a guy who knows a guy who passed wasted,1st hand experiences please.



1]Has any one passed but was sure they were a goner?

2]Did any method assist you in passing the test?

3]Has anyone failed?

4]Did it cause a home search warrant to be issued?

5]When have testing units been in action?(what day/s and hours of the day?)

6]Where have you seen testing units?

7]Have the testing units really been randomly selecting cars or are young people targeted?

8]Has anyone REFUSED to take a test?

9]What happened when you refused?

10] Did refusing a test lead to a home search warrant?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. ;) ;)

Edited by Jess Stone
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Well I'm in QLD Jess and I've never come across a drug testing site myself, nor have any of my friends or family.


I heard a 'trick' from a friend of mine when they very first brought these laws in, last year or the year before. My friends dad lives in Melbourne which is where they started it first of all and he said that if you have a half cup of vinegar to wash your mouth and quickly gargle, he reckons you can bypass it.


It's just a little rumour that went through the grape vine when they first brought the laws in, so I don't know if it would work or not. :)

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There are a few companies in Australia that provide the test kits. It would be good if someone could find out the brand of the test the police use in each state then it would be asimple matter to purchase some of the same test kits (they're not that expensive) and checking them out. If you ever get tested be sure to note the brand/model and let us know :)
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hey there jess just checked out your website its totally awesome! unfortunately I haven't experienced any roadside drug test (I'm from vic), but it sure is completely fucked up! it freaks me out somewhat. Apparently Steve Bracks knew that the testing was unreliable but went ahead with it anyway! what a total fucking wanker
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A friend of mine , had just smoked a joint , was driving home , pulled into macas to get an ice cream and was tested as soon as he pulled back onto the freeway , he passed the test , supposedly the maccas ice ceam helped him pass the swab ?


Thats the only story i have heard and cant verify if it did realy happen

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