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Tourist fined for posting cannabis to himself

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He probably would of been better off concealing it on his person ... U know , even up his ass if he had to ...

Bit uncomfortable , but theoretically , a quarter should fit up anyones ass. :peace: Dont you think?


(concealed where the sun don't shine ...) :toke: :wacko:




First place they'd look if they became suspicious for any reason. All too common. A friend who visited Greece was given the option of an 1. rectal examination and an abdominal x-ray or be detained overnight but again after a rectal examination. The rectal examination was not negotiable.


Best way would be to pack it up very carefully. Ie. wear two pairs of gloves and put the weed into one zip lock bag careful to not touch the outside. Take off and discard the outer pair of gloves and put the baggie into a second clean bag with the first pair of gloves still on, well away from any weed material. The idea is to get the scent locked up without any trace on the outer bag at all.


Wipe the bag with some isocol on a cotton ball. Let the bag rest for a few days and then use another pair of gloves to wipe the bag down again and put in a third clean bag.


Then put the bag into a jacket pocket or unlocked bag for deniability reasons. Note that it has none of your fingerprints on it at all because of the gloves.


This method is useful only if you're a not a regular smoker of it. The scent can get into your clothes and personal belongings.


The method above should avoid any dogs etc being switched on to the presence of the drug of you're not a regular user with other scent cues. It's no good if the rest of your stuff reeks of it. Again, if you're a daily smoker then don't bother. The dogs are what puts them onto you.



Note that you wouldn't do this to any country other than the civilised English speaking world regardless of how careful you were.


Overall it's not worth the risk.

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About the only mistake this guy made was to actually put any of his own belongings into the package.


He should have just used gloves to pack it all up nicely without finger prints. Used his left hand or computer printed the labels and sent it off with a bullshit return sender and address though Australia Post I believe now requires ID for international packages.


So he should have put on adequate postage stamps and sent it in a public red postbox.


If it never arrived, bad luck.


If it arrived without problems, all OK.


If it arrived and was intercepted, then he can deny it saying someone who knew he was going might have done it for him but that he didn't smoke it so it was a wasted effort or some such. Or that someone might have been trying to fuck his holiday up by doing it.


Still a hassle though.

Edited by zulunovo
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hi guys I went to queenstown last year and soon as we got into the terminal there were 3 sniffer dogs and 4 customs wankers. Everyone was searched immediately after disembarking. It was really full on.

The dog sniffed at my groin area but was immediately pulled back.

Didn't have anything down there luckily, just me muff!


Its getting worse out there people, we need to be so careful.

Cheers :wacko:




I was stopped in a line boarding a plane at London Heathrow by a black labrador sniffer dog and was shocked as I hadn't used anything in years.


The handler asked me if I was carrying drugs and I said no. He then asked whether I was carrying cash and I said yes. He asked 'how much' and I said 1000 pounds and he said OK and then left with the dog.


Apparently the dogs are trained to sniff out large amounts of cash also.

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Hey , Thx for the good Input Zulu ,


I still say bag it properly and put it in your bum. The dogs won't smell It , and I seriously doubt that anal searches are very common , unless you were giving them some very obvious reasons to do so ... :toke:

Wow , Imagine how many Bum Buds must travel all around the world each day ... Kinda boggles the mind aye.



o.k. I think I've made enough of a fool out of myself for now ...


Budman ... Out. (sitting uncomfortably) :wacko:



(P.s. Dont put things in your bum silly!) :toke:

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Hey , Thx for the good Input Zulu ,


I still say bag it properly and put it in your bum. The dogs won't smell It , and I seriously doubt that anal searches are very common , unless you were giving them some very obvious reasons to do so ... :peace:




The problem with putting it up your bum is that if they do decide to search you, then you're absolutely stuffed so to speak. You can't deny that you were doing something naughty with intent.


If they are going to search you in a serious way they'll get it regardless, and having it up your arse is a real liability compared to a small amount in a bag that has no trace of your fingerprints etc.


Just my take on it, but it's not worth the risk really.

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