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MP's want drug test for teens

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Bad News Bressington is a middle-aged woman who lost her daughter in a drug related death some years ago

since that time she has led a crusade to totally prohibit cannabis, unfortunately now she has been elevated to a prominent position of power .....

This is scary news. At some point you have to realise that 300,000 regular and 1.8 million marijuana users exist in Australia and that no, society is not falling apart and drug users live good, taxpaying lives. Any normal person would have to admit that thay have an inability to face up to the truth about the role prohibition probably played in their own daughter’s death.


I agree with wantda, it is designed to indoctrinate children into despising drugs and, ultimately, drug users and hence, to support drug prohibition and get career and social advantages as the reward – produced by the drug apartheid, a quite artificial constraint. All you have to do is vote Labor, or, all you have to do is vote Liberal, to keep the prohibition going. A simple deal with the :scratchin: to keep the present half-awake system going. :peace:


Mate, she’s sick and crusaders like her are to be stopped. She really will be the death of us all; if we let her. Onward with the revolution, I say. :applause:

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Its already going on in QLD for us adults, :scratchin: most employers make it manditory for the employee to agree with a drug test be for they even think of taking you on board. :applause: More in the mining and constuction fields though.


Spent a couple months in Mackay last yer so yer i think its tottaly wrong :peace:




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Thers was a great speech by a psychonought about how a lot the worlds Culture is made by trippers and stoners !!! (we know this of course)

and not by the "degenerate shuffling uninterested unmotivated junkies" which is the image laughingly projected for these fringe ethno groups by Corpropoganda

all the great artists, editors , film producers , writers who's stories we grew up with , all emanated by "Alter Natives" who somehow accessed something beyond the mundane ,

Ive been reading "the hash eater" fritz hugh ludlow , amazing creativity from a proffessional doctors experi ments with hash ,

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What an outrage truely what is ann idea of slowly turning it into america jnr - i know its in south australia (hopefully the legislation won't get passed)its offensive and intrusive!I like her attiude of wanting the parents to be behind her and "watch out for those that oppose"Where does she get off. :toke: And what a waste of time and tax payers money truely its a joke and should be laughed at in parliment. lol
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