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MP's want drug test for teens

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Hi All, I heard on the radio this morning that drug testing for high school children was coming in somewhere. I looked on the Net and found: MP's want drug test for teens


August 17:

HIGH school students in South Australia will be tested for drugs twice a year if radical legislation proposed by new MP Ann Bressington is adopted.


Although the anti-drugs campaigner's move has outraged parent groups, she says anyone who opposes her legislation, which also would allow tests to be carried out without parental consent, is "soft on drugs".


The independent MP, elected to State Parliament's Upper House this year on the ticket of No Pokies MP Nick Xenophon, will introduce her legislation to Parliament this month. She has urged parents to support her plan and to resist likely opposition to it.


"Concerned parents need to watch closely who opposes the measure . . . it will be an indication of who is soft on drugs," she said.


South Australian Association of State Schools Organisation director David Knuckey said making the tests compulsory "completely overrides" the rights of parents.


"It's mandatory. It removes all consent from parents," he said.


"This is a Bill that could potentially take so much away from parents, school communities and community groups."


Measures include compulsory testing twice yearly for students aged more than 14. Those who refuse could be suspended for up to five days.


Public and private schools would have to test their students. Parents would receive a report on their child's results.


What drugs would be tested, or what testing methods would be used are not stipulated in the legislation. Mr Knuckey, who represents school governing councils, said some parents were worried about the invasive nature of testing. One parent reportedly told him: "Nobody is going to touch my 14-year-old daughter and forcibly take a sample from her body without my consent."


Mr Knuckey stressed drug use among children was a serious issue.


"No matter how many children are using drugs, it's too many," he said.


Ms Bressington said overseas trials had proved the effectiveness of such measures. She said she was willing to negotiate the issue of consent with parent groups.


The legislation is expected to be introduced when Parliament returns from its winter break at the end of the month.


Date: August 17, 2006 12:15am

Source: theadvertiser.news.com.au

Copyright: 2006 © news limited.


And this one from Vic:


August 17 2006: Baillieu urged to drug test school students


My comment: I ain’t encouraging young kids to smoke dope or nothin (particularly as this web site is for over 18’s consumption :peace:) but think this is wrong. I smoked weed as a teen and would have been scared and humiliated at getting drug tested. How dare they? Are they going to expel students who fail them? Is it going to be reading, ‘riting ‘rithmatic and recreational drug testing to get your O-levels? Marijuana would be unfairly targeted because it stays in the system longer. Is this really a secret plan to get students onto harder drugs and away from the consciousness expanding marijuana, which obviously is the number one threat right now to the Oligarchs? Here's a political idea for them: how about autocracy? Like: leave me the hell alone, I’m in charge! Humans on pot are just too smart for them, I guess. Hard drugs wash out of the system quickly so you can trip on the weekends and pass clean on the random drug test during the school week. You can drink or take cocaine at night and pass during the day but you can’t smoke weed. Or, is it to teach the invasive power of the government? To indoctrinate the young to the style of government which controls them? This kind of stuff makes me really mad. It should be parents, not schools or governments who have the power to test or demand test results of people’s children. Who do these people think they are, fuckin’ God? This sort of Nazi tactics could result in a backlash, you know :peace:?

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Its important that as many people as possible oppose this legislation. Before long this approach will move to adults and we'll start getting mandatory testing. This type of thinking is already on the rise with the drug driving tests and sniffer dogs screening people in public places and could easily move into other areas. Imagine if they asked for a blood sample every time you applied for welfare or medical benefits?


Kids are stupid, this will not stop them from doing drugs, it may stop them from coming to school tho. Like most anti drug legislation, this is a head in the sand approach and will do more harm than good. If this dumb bitch is really worried about kids getting drugs she should be campaigning for legalisation as that would destroy the black market and make drugs much harder for kids to get hold of. :peace:

Edited by pipeman
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Bad News Bressington is a middle-aged woman who lost her daughter in a drug related death some years ago

since that time she has led a crusade to totally prohibit cannabis, unfortunately now she has been elevated to a prominent position of power .....

see the way she tries to bully those who disagree with her by saying those who dont support her proposed law are in fact 'soft on drugs'.... the woman is a curse on all those who love the herb, may she burn in hell!



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she looks like the prostitutes around kings cross, you know the anorexic, been a smack junky for 5 years type of pro, the only difference is she is wearing more makeup :sly:


I personally dont think drug testing is needed in schools because everyone knows who the "druggos" in their school were. Even the teachers know full well who doing the drugs in their schools, well maybe not all the people as you get the good 2 shoes who smoke a joint every 6 months, but they certainly know the people who smoke atleast weekly :peace:


Then again these tests are propbably not aimed at bringing out the facts about drug use in Australia, if anything I believe they are aimed at scaring children to stay away from drugs for fear of being outed infront of your friends and family + its teaching kids to be submissive instead of having a back bone :peace: Like how bullshit is it that refusing to do a drug test could get you a week long suspension which then goes on your permanent record :peace: some universities dont look too highly upon marks like that in your records and as such you could miss out on getting a higher level of education + your dream job just because you refused to give a drug test in high school :)

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its a sign of the luna cy going on thats all, the current way to get attention as a ploitician is to say more and more fachistic comments ,gETTING TOUGH ON "......."

MORE Police Etc even though most real crime is down by over 60% in 10 years !!!!!


Liberal mps saying certain citizens of a certain religeon are poisoning the genetic of australia ,etc etc , babies overboard , I mean what degenarate does that eh?????


do these politicians really have what it takes to decide about stem cells are they free from corruption or shares in investment portfolio's that include drug companies who REALLY DONT want stem cells to procede because like the case of a heart patient that Grew back half of his heart , he wouldnt be dependant on drug companies for the rest of his life as decided by THEIR doctors bought off with golf holidays etc whilst they are killing their patients softly,,,,,,,,


Hitler used the war on drugs to promote himself and all of the tactics we are seeing now are of the same resonance , some call it evil but its better to call it the unconciousness , ignorance or the seperative and divisive EGOIC MIND ,


The very idea for her to become a politician was Personal reasons a personal crusade which needs an enemy and anyone who dosnt agree is an enemy , sound family ar ?


why not just ignore her and she will go away,,,,,,,,,we could be focusing on THE REALLY COOL BEINGS FROM THE HEMP PARTY !!!!!!!


The idea that a politician is a representive of the people is becoming its opposite and self service to the point of blatant corruption is rife , the concept that we are all one is alien to the egoic self ,


Marijuahna seems to suppress the trouble making egoic mind , maybe thats why they have decided that NATURE is the enemy ,


the very concept that anyone has any cognitive rights over another is hilarious , and simply not real for me so I dont buy into making her the marijuana smokers enemy as that just feeds her with power which is why she did it in the first place!!!!!!!

Edited by Elf ex planet hairy
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shit that would not be good if somthing like that come in...


just think about it they could ask for blood then charge you for smokeing herb..

Not many poeple realise how many of are rights are being slowly taken away from us..There were reason why they come in for the first place so nazi poeple could not come to power and fuck everyone over..


but some are just like sheep they follow with what they are told that is good for us... but its not untill its to late do they realse what it really means..


we had some new "boy raceer laws come in and we were told they would bring them in to line ".. Untill some poor old cunt got done under the new laws and then they took is brand new AUDI top of the range worth something like 150000. nz of him and sold for the crown...


just think about it


"Freedom of speach is worth dieing for to keep"




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