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its NOT nutrient burn... is a nutrient difficiency.. weve discussed this...

youve got all major nutrient difficiencies going on here.. the yellowing leaves from the bottom up is a nitrogen(N) difficiency.. , the dark greeny/grey patches on the leaves is due to phosphorus(P) and potasium(K) difficiency.. this could have happened due to such a low PH... but also due to lack of nitrogen...as nitrogen is vital for the plant to enable the take up of ALL nutrients... these are all very common for potted MJ plants.. they use these 3 elements in massive amounts.. and depleat the available NPK in the pots very quickly.. like weeks.. also if youve only been feeding it water.. then it most definately points to a difficiency...


Nutrient burn on the other hand will result it the tips browning and turning necrotic(dead) patches.. this isnt happening here...


most difficiencies will recover if caught early... in this case these leaves a fucked... crispy leaves wont recover...


too fix...

ok youve flushed.. probably not needed if all youve been feeding it is water( you didnt mention that before).. but seeing as youve done it.. it wont matter... you got some potting mix.. the NPK should be around 20/10/10, twice the nitrogen for vegetive... or 10/10/10 half the nitrogen for flowering essentially doubles the the PK.. you can just double PK...thats the soil

bigger pots.. remember that the pot size determines plant health and size...good drainage....


also get some grow nutrients.. and some flowering nutrients.. any thing for roses will be fine if youre not too sure what to get...


I think thats it.....

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the problem with nutrient burn is that it does look very simular to a major nitrogen dificiency... you get necrotic leaves starting from the bottom up...nutrient burn however wil be on every leaf, especially the crown..., a photo of the whole plant would be good....

but I still stand by what ive said before......its dificiency not burn

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SukonmiSkunk ...its NOT nutrient burn... is a nutrient difficiency.. weve discussed this...



....youve got all major nutrient difficiencies going on here.. the yellowing leaves from the bottom up is a nitrogen(N) difficiency.. , the dark greeny/grey patches on the leaves is due to phosphorus(P) and potasium(K) difficiency.. this could have happened due to such a low PH... but also due to lack of nitrogen...as nitrogen is vital for the plant to enable the take up of ALL nutrients... these are all very common for potted MJ plants.. they use these 3 elements in massive amounts.. and depleat the available NPK in the pots very quickly.. like weeks.. also if youve only been feeding it water.. then it most definately points to a difficiency...


via over feeding so too much nutes = nute lock out to to be extreamly technical your correct as much it is from over supply of nutrients leading to no supply.

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That's why it is suggested to repot into new compost rather than to flush.


Won't be a problem from here on out seeing as im using some nice compost i picked up from a local farm today.
:applause: :peace:


The compost was "Hot" (ie contained too much nutrient.


Bring it down slowly but the problem should cease rapidly rather than continue.


Goodluck with the new mix. :peace:

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you can not.. I repeat CAN NOT over feed your plant with just water.. store bought potting mix is fine.. its already sat and is ready too use... the fact that the plant has got this far should tell you that the soils is fine.. otherwise the seedling would not have survived....


its not rocket science... no nutes means .. its being underfed... ie nutrient difieciency...


the most common problem with plants is dificiency...especially if its in pots...the most common dificiency is Nitrogen.. followed by potasium and phosphorus.....lack of nitrogen inhibits the plants take up of all other nutrients... this is most probably whats happening here...no this is whats happening here....

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I would just use a good quality potting mix.. and just get some hydronutes, or fertilizers... or organic if thats your choice, theres lots of options these days...

you dont want to imbalance the NPK ratios too much.. as the problem will just escalate further...


if the compost has been composting for a while it should be ok...it should be ok any way... with out seeing it its impossible to tell, but it should be fine just by itself...

didnt you say you had P and K as well... mix the vegetive NPK ratio to 20 10 10 .. or there abouts... and maybe just a hand full in with the compost wouldnt hurt.. not too much.. as its very easy to overdose.... you can always add more.. as it needs it...

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