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Teacher in NSW deals drugs in front of classroom

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Quite funny I think. It's a shame one of the little 14 year old snitches decided to dob him in to the principal.


Kids these days, I don't know.





Teacher dealt drugs in front of class


August 10, 2006 12:00am

Article from: The Daily Telegraph



WHILE most teachers give out homework during class, a New South Wales casual teacher John Fitzgerald Kennedy dished out marijuana to students instead.

During his Year 9 maths class at Sydney's Epping Boys High School earlier this year, he let slip to the 12 students he liked to drink and smoke marijuana on weekends.


This opened the door for a 14-year-old student to approach Kennedy, 28, and ask if he could get some marijuana.


Instead of reprimanding the student, Ryde Local Court yesterday heard Kennedy agreed to provide the drugs for $20.


During their next lesson, the student approached Kennedy at the front of the classroom asking for the drugs -- and Kennedy handed the marijuana over in front of the class.


The "stick" was about 10cm long and 2cm in diameter, with an estimated weight of 1g.


The initial charge against Kennedy of supplying a prohibited drug to a child was withdrawn at his first court appearance last month.


He instead pleaded guilty to supplying or knowingly taking part in supplying a prohibited drug between 10am on March 20 and 5pm on March 31.


Kennedy, who has been struck off the registry of teachers in NSW, was due to be sentenced yesterday.


Magistrate Hugh Dillon said a pre-sentence report was more "appropriate" and adjourned the matter until next month.


Kennedy was employed by the NSW Department of Education from December last year until April this year.


The actions of the West Pymble resident, who is now unemployed, were reported by a student to the principal and his contract was not renewed.


During an interview with police after his arrest on June 14, Kennedy admitted to buying a one-quarter ounce of the drug for $100 in the city and supplying a $20 stick to the student.


He told police his actions were "extremely regrettable" and although another student called him asking for drugs, he did not supply it.


"He stated he had declined on all occasions and is adamant the incident for which he is charged was the only time he has supplied marijuana," police said.


During the brief court appearance yesterday, Kennedy sat quietly with a female relative as his case was discussed.


While his lawyer and relative left the court together and refused to comment, Kennedy walked out of the court gates in the opposite direction trying to avoid media attention.


A woman was waiting for him in the driveway next to the court and, ignoring questions from the media, Kennedy jumped into the car and was driven away.

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Thx 4 the story Stonedstump ,


Sheesh! , that poor idiot ... What a dumbass man. He has destroyed his whole career (an important career).

Sure , heaps of teachers smoke pot , but really , I'd never know any of the teachers that I do that would even express that they partake in MJ at school , No Way!

If your friends with the teacher and their kids or sumthin , maybe you might smoke with them or even get a little bit from them out of school hours , but even then they must be extremely careful in knowing who to trust.


14yrs old ... too young man ... no adult should sell a 14yr old pot , maybe his peers would .But Hey , thats how it goes regardless how young anyone thinks is too young.


Oh well , thats two teachers who have done that in the last month , hopefully the rest will learn something from this ... We do need people with open minds teaching in our schools , that is a given. Just not more dingbats who yet again tarnish the Good Herb MJ. (sigh)



Well thats all from me for now , Seeyas Later ...


Budman :peace:

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What a fool, I don't feel sorry for him that was just beyond stupid.

I remember when I was 18 or 19 hanging out in the beer garden at the local with some mates and a couple of dealers and we were passin around a nice big joint (you could get away with shit like that back then) when these 2 kids turned up, they would've been 12-13 max. They walked up to the table kina nervous then one of em asks if anyone at the table wants to sell them some grass :applause: Even the dealers were nearly falling of their seats in laughter. After the laughing died down the kid (red faced now and his mate had walked away) had the balls to say "well?" Needless to say this broke us all up into hysterical laughter again so the kid took the hint and walked away as well.

These were dealers and even they knew better than to sell to a kid. I'm all for freedom of choice and the right to smoke but not at that age where the body is still developing, there's plenty of time for drugs later pref when they've left school.

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:applause: wish my teachers were that nice back in the day eh! the part i find shocking is 1 gram for 20$ and a quarter for 100$ !!!!! here in BC canada its 10$ fer 1.5 grams and 40$ fer a quarter. and like everyone in the province above the age of 12 smoke weed. i dont see wat the big deal is the kids gonna get it somwere else anyway its just weed
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Hehe Hey Doggest , yeah , I know what you mean.


As for the prices , the Australian $ is approx 0.85 Canadian $ yes?

Quarters in the cities can cost $100 a Quart , But its not usually that much.

$80 Max usually , which would still be around $68 Canadian ... so yeah , I guess thats still pricey if you are getting really good stuff for $40 , altho if you get a gram for 10$ , It means the Quart is better value (as It should be) whereas over here I find there is little difference in value unless you get 1/2Oz or more. :)


Bye 4 Now


Budman ... Out. :peace:



p.s. Dr. Karl is on the radio JJJ , so I gotta go listen ... Have a listen why not. What time is it in Canada? :) nm.

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Thats Gold


I dont agree with him selling that shit to kids


Though I sure as hell will be giving my boy an ounce when his 14 and see if he can make that ounce into 50k by the time he is 18 by selling to his peers.


Well they have to get it from somewhere might as well know its safe right?







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What a fool, I don't feel sorry for him that was just beyond stupid...................................... I'm all for freedom of choice and the right to smoke but not at that age where the body is still developing, there's plenty of time for drugs later pref when they've left school.


:applause: Well said Downunder, I couldn't agree more.

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