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First Time

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This is my first time trying to grow marijuana and one of my plants has brown spots on the leaves that have been increasing in size..can anyone tell me what this is caused from and if there is a way i can fix it? Have pictures to help resolve the problem easier..






Also let me know what you think of my plants and if there looking ok.



Edited by iam2pro4u
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G'day Iam2pro4u ,

Um ... I think U got some sort of direct link error , but I can't be sure of that.


Try and get them pics up man , there is a resizing guide here at Stoz if U look around , But ask some questions if you need to , I'm sure they will be answered lol


Also , I was just wondering if It was really a good idea to call yourself Iam2pro4u ... lol Hmmm

Hey Its cool man ... No worries ,

Good Luck with gettin ya plant healthy again lol


Bye 4 Now

From Budman. lol


(EDIT) - Ahhh , you got em when I was postin , well done , I thought that might happen lol They don't look too bad man , But if that continues then they eventually will , Um ... Others will have better advice I think , But I'm thinkin there is something in the soil that isn't quite right , maybe PH , too much Fert. , Toxic soil ?? I dunno. But then ... I only looked at the pic for a sec before i EDITed : ) K Bye.

Edited by Budman2012
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I think Sukonmiskunk is pretty right, go to your local hydro store and buy some canna vegative/ and floral nutrient. It also pays off to invest in premium potting mix or coco pete. I'm not sure but it looked like you had more than one plant per pot, this will stunt their growth and the dominent one will steal the weaker plants nutrients and light.

(you can just use any NPK fert and just add potash whilst in flower, although canna is made in holland specificaly to suit our needs.


Hint - the bigger the root space underneath the bigger the plant will grow!

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Heres an update to how my plants are looking now.. My youngest has died do to rabbits.. But let me know what you think and any suggestions..


Oldest Plant





Youngest Plant




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