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disposing of waste (stems, leaves) and slabs

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hi all


how do others dispose of quantiies of leaves, stem and particularly rockwool slabs?


i dont put em in the bin. not because im paranoid that someone is looking through the bin (by that stage i figure your fucked anyway) but because theres too much to dispose of


could they just be taken to the local tip? or do others search for dumpsters like me! i find this to a particularly stressful activity, driving around at night with a car full of garbage bags looking for somewhere to dispose of them!


im not talking couple of bags. they have piled up to about 15 atm

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heya dude ... your post made me smile .. I had 6 big black bags in my growrrom at one stage ... sux ... so, I've tried soundinfg out local tips and trying to discover what kinda ID'ing and checking of your dumped stuff they do .... finally, I was forced into more direct action ... I took one bag at a time on my areas garbage night ... over the shoulder ... dog on leash .... after midnight and some streets away after checking secveral bins ... did a quick flick and moved on .. I am in a quiet neighborhood so it works ok for me ..... USE GLOVES ALWAYS is a must ..... I put on a pair every time I enter the GR and especially when touching plastic garbo bags ... really important if ones prints are on file for any reason


other than my system , try sounding out your local tips .... tell em you got XS garden waste and how much to drop it off ? I couldn't get past my own paranoia with asking questions i thought may sound suss ... anyway,

good luck



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Yeah we always dump our rubbish in council bins.


They say not to do it, but only because they don't want to empty them. Well they shouldn't charge so much money for a bin in the first place.


Council bins are the way to go, or find some dumpsters behind shops etc as you are already doing.


You could also try making a little fireplace in your backyard and have a burnoff? This may not be advisable for huge amounts at once though because you don't want the fire brigade around your house.


As for taking it to the dump, you should be fine, just say you are dumping household waste. They won't go through it.


That's about all I can think of right now. Good luck.

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personally I think going round with bags of rubbish at night is a bad idea. If a cop or security guard sees you their suspiscion is sure to be aroused.


I always say the number one rule of stealth is to not do anything abnormal that might bring attention to you. Running round with garbage backs at night is one of those things IMO.


I usually just get rid of it one bag at a time in the wheelie bin, if not take a drive to the dump, you ain't gotta show ID in no dump I been to. They might get your rego number but big deal no way to tell whos rubbish is whos after you chuck it in the heap.

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yes pipeman, I agree, however, my neighbourhood is very, very quiet ... we dont have security or cops patrolling ... well .. .in 5 years in the place I;ve yet to see one at night .. anyway, they're not huge bags and I'm not the only one who cant fit all his rubbish in the wheeleie bin provided .. many many of my neighbours DO have space however, I have had my half empty bin "used' once or twice ... so its not too risky in my view ... also, running round I dont, I walk my dog and if a car comes by *yet to actually happen) .. I'm putting my rubbish out ... its "rubbish night" ... you see?


anyway, good luck to keepleft in solving this one ...


ps. Expat posted this good one on hash making ! no more throwing out leaves


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well mate i have done a few ways me self i first started dumping down the street in someone elses bin but mine is always bubbled so a bag of wet chopped up leaf can weigh a fair bit :peace:


so then i thought about spreading it around the garden to see how that would go and after i realized taht there was a fair smell still involved especially in summer :peace:


so then i went to the tip with about 2 bags of weed and 6-7 of just house hold shit and told them that there was some garden stuff and some house hold so they then told me the garden stuff had to be put in a differant section and taken out of the garbage bags so i then thought fark that so chucked it all in the house hold section and now i always do it


so yeah dont tell them that it is garden stuff just say that it is just household crap



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at the local tips around here theres guys who follow u thru the tip and tell u where to put the rubbish fuck they have a keen eye for shit not being put in the right place :peace: as for leaf and stem let it dry right out into a crisp theres no bad smell when its crisp dry than sprinkle around the lawn at night and mow ur law the next morning do the same with the stem as for the roots pay a mate $20 to drop a couple bags into there bins :peace:
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