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Growing Questions

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Hi peoplel!

Ok im a first time grower, im planning on growing one plant at a time in soil, purely for personal use. But I have a few questions that im not quite clear about? :thumbsup:

Q1: After germinating my seed and it’s in the pot, do I go straight to 20hrs on / 4hrs off until I want it to flower?

Q2: This is my main problem, when will I be able to tell weather it is male or female because obviously I don’t want to wait all that time for one plant to flower then I find out it’s a male and useless to me? Is there any way to get around this?

Q3: What is topping the plant? And do I have to do it?

Q4: How much is one plant going to smell? Enough to smell it straight away if you walk in the same room that its in?

Help with these would be appreciated!!!

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hey there mate lets start with question 1 well after ya germ ya can put it under 24hr light if they are fluro's for awhile then ya can cut it back to 16/8 then onto 12/12 when ya want it to flower


2. the best thing to do in my opinion it would be better to plant 3 seedlings first off so you have a better chance of getting a female and to find out if they are female you wont be able to tell untill they show pre flowers and we can help you with this.


3. topping the plant is getting the top groth tip and removing it so then 2 will come out and then if done again 4 will come out and so on. and no it is not a have to.


4. one plant wont smell a great deal but that depends on what strain it is and also how big it is when in flower.


hope this helps

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Q1. 18/6 from seedling then 12/12 when you think the plant is big enough and ready for flower


Q2. You can tell within 2 weeks of sprouting I'm pretty sure.


Q3. Don't 'top' it, you want to 'train' it. Topping causes stress. Training is low stress and works the same way. You start training when its about 20cm high or so. You put a mesh screen over the plant but supported by something else.


Then every couple of days, as the plant is growing, you take the highest part of the plant and tie it down on the mesh with a cable tie. Keep doing that until the plant is spread out all over the screen and bobs your uncle.


And no you don't have to do it, but it increases bud sites.


Q4. Depends on strain I'd say. But yeah, you be able to smell when it's flowering, just have good ventilation. You won't need much for one plant.

Edited by stonedstump
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Answer to qestion 1, in most casers for the veg stage of the plant you have your light on for 18 hours and off for 6, but if you want to go 20/4 that is cool as well just a little more power usage.


Answer to question 2, you wont be able to tell if it is male of female until you turn it to 12/12 and then after about 2 weeks it will show it sex, there is no other way around this if you start from seed.


Answer to 3, topping is were you take the the main growing tip out so you get 2 mail buds growing instead of one, and you dont have to do it.


Answer to 4, well with smell it comes down to what strain you grow some will stink a lot more then others but all plants will give off some smell.


Shit i have to learn to type faster yas all beat me :thumbsup:...

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You should be able to get away with 2 small plants in that area with a 25w light, but the MH is more suited to the veg stage but can be used for bud, most people will use a Hps bulb for bud as it put outs the rite light spectrum for the buds.


With the WW for smell i cant help ya there as i havent growen it...

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