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Nobby Clones

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Gday all :applause: i am having problems getting clones to root properley :scratchin:


I am using rockwool and have had no problem in the past


What is happening is clones look good up until about 14 days but then stagnate

When i check for roots they all have big nodules on stem 2 to 3mm. They stay this way


for about 5 weeks and eventually get roots.It makes no difference with light24/7 or 18/6


cheers mungus :thumbsup: :xcited:

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my system is as basic as they come and i get around 95% success rates, usually 100% although i do have the ocassional one die :thumbsup: i just use 60w of cool white fluros, mini greenhouse, rockwool cubes and a heat mat set at 30 degrees celsius which provides an ideal environment for the cuttings :scratchin: i use 1/2 strength nutes with a drop of superthrive to soak the cubes and fill up a bottle to mist the cuttings, i put a couple of drops of rooting gel into the cubes and after i carefully shave off the lower 1-2cm of stem, i dunk that into the rooting gel as well :toke: after that, i just mist the cuttings twice a day for about 10 days, open a side vent every few days after about a week and once i see roots, i take the lid off to harden the cuttings for a day or 2 and then they are ready to be planted :xcited:


for the best cuttings, imo you should take cuts that are as big as possible as they root faster, take less vege time, etc. + i cant recommend superthrive and clonex rooting gel enough :applause: the clonex rooting gel is by far the best i have ever used and the superthrive is great shit in general for any age plant, perks them right up and makes them as happy as could be :yahoo:

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coincidently ive had this nobby effect on a couple of my cuts in the past but i never really isolated the problem, as i usually take a few cuts of each and some take , though i only noticed it in winter in cuts from very young seedlings :scratchin:


I guess you do use a heat mat and rooting hormones, e.g. clonex ?..... not that they are essential but they certainly help alot


no doubt someone here will have a solution ?



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clones need 24 hours of light.. reason... the plant does most of its growing through the dark period.. this is when the plant is using the energy stored with in the leaves.. by giving your clone 24 hours of light.. the plant doesnt have time to use the valuable energy stored with in the leaves so energy is transfered to produce roots...

roots will take upto 6 days before the rooting gel works and starts to produce roots.. after 14 days you should notice them.. I repot my clones after 3 weeks...

a HEAT mat is essential...and so is foliar feeding.. no roots yet to suck up nutes.. I spray with Soda Water.. and use a little worm liquid.. or as WDC has stated try about 1/4 strenth nutes .. with soda water.. always soda water.. they will root faster...

I aslo make up a 1/4 strength mix with about 10-20ml of clonex per liter.. when you see roots forming.. the clonex helps them grow a little faster.. this for the 2nd week...clones can handle a 1/2 strenth nutes by the 3rd week.. full strength by the 4th.. definately by the 5th week...this also helps them grow faster

check out my cloning guide as frazz has so helpfully supplied.. really you cant go wrong...with the right equipment its easy...

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Thanks for your help...i am doing pretty much everything as you have described...it just seems


strange how something so simple :thumbsup: became so hard :scratchin: :applause: but at least


they eventually get roots all be it after 5 weeks....just gotta keep tryin to get em going a bit quicker :xcited: :yahoo: :toke:

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sounds like you might be using the bigger clone cubes.. and will probably take a little longet for the roots to be visable.. but 5 weeks isnt too bad.. at least they get them and dont die.. you are definately on the right track... also the more clones you do the better at it you will become.. its very rare for a fist time cloner to have a great strike rate.. and as WDC has said.. after many years of doing it you will still get some die... practice makes perfect.. and if your confidence is not quite there, always take more than you need... take more than you need anyway. that way you can cull off the shitty ones
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