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The Cannnabis Grow Bible

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hey guys found this posted in my travels and thought some of you guys would enjoy .



Book Description

This guide offers methods for growers who want to maximize the yield and potency of their crop. It explains the "Screen of Green" technique that gives a higher yield using fewer plants, an important development for American growers who, if caught, are penalized according to number of plants. The Cannabis Grow Bible is an authoritative source that features almost 200 color and black-and-white photographs, charts, and tables. With an emphasis on the day-to-day aspects of maintaining a garden and European expertise, this book ensures that growers will enjoy a successful harvest.




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this book is written by Greg Green... it has to be the worst book ive ever seen on growing pot... theres a lot of misinformation in this book and doesnt really explain much...

from "the grow bible"


height- tall averaging between 4-15feet

nodes- long internodes between branches, 3-6 inches

leaves- thin long and pointy leaves with no markings or patterns

blades- usually between 6-12 blades.....?????



height-small adveraging between 6 inches - 4 feet

nodes- short internodes between branches, 3 inches and less

leaves- Wide, short and rounded leaves with marble like patterns????

blades- usually between 3and 5 blades per leaf??????????



height- small averaging between 6 inches and 4 feet

nodes- very short internodes with much branching

leaves- small and thick????

blades- usually between 4 and 6 blades per leaf???


ok, that was taken from the grow bible.. and like the bible it has a hell of a lot of misinformation like this...this is just 1 example.. any one that has ever grown MJ before will know... no matter what the strain or plant genre.. the leaves start with one finger.. 3, 5, 7 ,9, 11, 13 , 15, 17...they increase in blades as the plant gets older/taller .... then when it flowers.. it goes from 17(if it was let to go that far.. I have a 15 blade leaf) , 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1... thats the cycle of leaf patterns for every MJ plant.... how this idiot can put this in print and get away with it is beyond me...

although there is some good information too.. but for a novice grower it would be hard to pick out the good info from the bad...

it does have a reasonable nutrient difficiency guide... not as good as Mel Franks grow guides.. which makes me think he has just taken his info from this book....


If you are interested in getting a grow book... look up Mel Franks' growers guides.. also I think he has co written a grow guide with Ed Rosenthal.... nearly every book written about growing pot refers to these books somewhere... from what I have found these are the best books around....


also the best breeders guide you can get is Marajuana Botany by Robert C Clark.. this book explains in great detail sexing, breeding, propergation... and a lot of technical info too.... you cant go wrong

Mel Frank actually writes the forward on this book.. it was RC Clarks end of year thesuarus for uni... I think?? I beleive he would have passed



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