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Qld Police to get password powers

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Police to get password powers Where ?????

Simon Hayes

JUNE 06, 2006





QUEENSLAND [bloodyQld'ers] Police are to be given power to force suspects to hand over passwords and encryption codes.


Civil libertarians warn the laws could allow corrupt police to fake evidence, because they will have access to suspects' digital signatures.



The legislation, to come into force in July, covers mobile phones, PCs, handhelds and other electronic devices. Non-compliance carries up to 12 months' jail.


The amendments to the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act will make Queensland the only state with legislation preventing suspects from claiming the right to silence concerning passwords and computer encryption.


NSW and federal police have similar powers under the federal Crimes Act.


So have they had them all along and dont use it, Are our fellow Qld growers in Brissy or the G/Coast Under that much pressure.


This law prevents criminals from withholding electronic evidence by forcing them to give police access to data from their computers, mobile phones and other electronic storage devices."


I'm getting a sniff of old reserected thems in this artical dated JUNE 06, 2006 by this Simon Hayes :ack:


blab blab blab ..... :ack: oh the link to paedophilia - just seeing if it mentions marigron :sly:


In Parliament {Ms Smith} focussed on the effect the legislation would have on paedophilia investigations, which often involve data on hard drives.


"It will allow police to get to the information in a speedier fashion to enable them to identify whether paedophilia-related activity has been engaged in," she said.


Ironically federal legislation due to come into force shortly is moving in the opposite direction, offering users more protection for so-called stored data such as voicemails and SMS messages


Well qld peeps is your TXT messages , emails, computer passwords, digital cameras ect much sort after ?




Is this just old news and I love this bit at the end


Ironically federal legislation due to come into force shortly is moving in the opposite direction, offering users more protection for so-called stored data such as voicemails and SMS messages.


:peace: Old news made new . . . . . 'scare mongering' raising the level of social fear. It's amazing what fear leads to in the social context of high costs to just having fun. Dose 'generation Y' know what the baby boomers had and it being eroded away.


:peace: Rhis is what happens if you have an hour and just jump at an email subsription artical after a few chuffs. ya get :peace: lol :ack: :peace:


Nitty out

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Doesnt that seem a little retarded? If they're going to the effort of trying to read your disks/mail/etc, youd think it would be for a major offence (something that would get you more than 12months). If they cant get a conviction without the data, it basically gives the person a 12mo cap on their sentence lol


That it, unless after 12mo, they can try you again, and give you another 12mo, and so on, which is plain fucked up :thumbdown:

Edited by didj
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dude007 ... they can't force me to give them my password, in their dreams! as if! get a life pigs!


Probably not, but it is possibvly one more charge you didn't need for future empoyers to view. As it is whatever job I go for one question is never missed. It's the question about any prior pediofile, murder, assault, burgulary, DUI, drug, or terrorist charges ect ect ...... lol


It's the one question you don't want to be answering 'YES' too - or lie about either nowdays, as big brother's recordeing yor every run in with the 'pigs'. :thumbdown:

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