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Weed may actually help with cancer...

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Got this from www.shortnews.com:



New Study: Cannabidiol Dramatically Inhibits Breast Cancer Cell Growth


A study done in Naples, Italy, by the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics show compounds in marijuana inhibit growth of cancer cells in animals and in culture on a wide range of tumoral cell lines.



Those cell lines include human breast carcinoma cells, human prostate carcimona cells, and human colectoral carcinoma cells. During the study investigators assessed the anti-cancer activity of various non-psychoactive cannabinoids.



Cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG), and cannabichromine (CBC) where all shown to inhibit cancer growth. CBG and CBC also possess anti-tumor properties. "These results suggest the use in cancer therapy for cannabidiol," investigators concluded.


Original Source: www.norml.org



I just found it interesting that it not only destroys lives and creates junkies, that it may also be the key to the most medically devistating conditions in the history of mankind! Go figure!

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well hey at least i know i got a fair chance of not gettin breast cancer.


and you know the funnies thing being probably 1 of the most important cancer breakthrough's this century you aint gonna here fuck all due to it being that they never want to hear anything good about our beloved herb


dont see that on the news or on the front page of the paper like every other new drug that may infact help with cancer

polliticle fuckers



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