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What do you do to help get marijuana legalised?

What do you do to help get marijuana legalised?  

44 members have voted

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Was thinking about it more, do we really want it legalised?


I would love it to be de-criminalised for sure, but do we want full legalisation? having tobacco like companies to be the only ones allowed to gow it? How much would it cost including government tax? Probably still wouldn't be able to grow it yourself.


decriminalise 10 plants and under for personal use

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Well Dysfer i enjoy your rants :peace:.......and maybe you are correct on the full legalization angle, it is fraught with danger particularly for the young.


IMO a license scheme for people over the age of 21 would be much more appropriate, perhaps a yearly fee which permitted one to grow so many plants, and if you were caught out selling or even giving away plant matter or growing too many plants you would lose your license.


I do realize this would attract much objection from the young 'uns but it would help negate all the fear of the schizophrenic claims though.



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Hi all ... :applause:


All of u have hit the nail on the head fairly accuratley. :toke:



They will never stop the usage of marijuana .. (its almost like saying they will stop music) ..


4 me thats an absolute no-thought .. we are not going anywhere so theyd better get used to us. :)


I also agree that the main thing smokers/non-smokers should do is just act civil toward others and themselves.

Its not so hard really. :)


Write a letter , it cant hurt anyone .. just be sensible .. Smart! :)


Oh ... speaking of hitting the heads ... :thumbsup:


:toke: Budman ...Out. lol

Go Music , :)

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I may be from the U.S. but here's what I've done in my state.

I've talked to and writen letters to my represntatives and congressman.

I've signed initiatives to get medical mj on the ballot, and voted. if there's mmj measure on the ballot, I'll be talking to people trying to get their vote for mmj. I still talk to people about the benefits of mj. You'd be surprised how many people don't know where the 1st toker party in the US was....in the white house

I'm a member of Oregon Green Free and a officer of my chapter.

I plan on going to mmj rallies.

I have helped many people find relief with mmj and I help get them legal and taught them how to grow there own.



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I Stand Firm.


And have Respect.


I am Humble.


And let Wisdom reflect.




Budman ... Out 4 Now. :toke:


p.s. If There are only ignorant morons to Vote for , Well then dont Vote. (Maybe You should run for your Local Council If You Are That Way Inclined - Someones gonna have to soon , and I can't rite now bcuz my situation is difficult at the present timez) :)


Till Then ...



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u really need to prouve to the peple that mj isent a big thing i guess.if there was know law on it maby alot of people wouldent be into harder drug coz weed would be so ezey to buy and alot cheaper i guess. the hole fun of it in the 1st place is that its agenst the law well thats kinda the cool bit about it when u 1st start smoking it.
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unfortunately to be part of the united nations you have to enforce some general rules, 1 of them is sadly marijuana cant be legalized. that being said, the best we can hope for is decriminalization and have the police given no budget to enforce marijuana prohibition :toke:


if the above happens though and we remain a member of the UN, chances are they'd sanction australia to try and force our hand and make cannabis illegal again. so basically unless australia can become self sufficient and not rely on imports or exports, we have no chance of getting the laws changed in our favour and even if we did manage to become self sufficient i highly doubt our leaders would want to severly piss off half of the UN just to make cannabis decriminalized :toke:

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